
Assad finds Zuflucht in Moskau – new details

Assad finds Zuflucht in Moskau – new details

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Russian Deputy Minister Sergej Rjabkow is the best, the gesture of the Syrian gesture Machthaber Baschar al-Assad is so present in Russia.

Moskau – Russian media were created by the son of Baschar al-Assad, the Syrian Führer’s trainer, zusammen mit seiner Familie nach Moskau geflohen sei. The outbreak of an offensive, which began at the end of November, and in the Islamist military forces of Damascus, was launched by the Assads, who ruled the country at the time.

Russia has the power of the Syrian Syrian state Asyl gewährt. Sergei Rjabkow, Russia’s star federal minister, is the best in an interview with NBC News As of today, Assad does not have the slightest war within the general leadership of Russia. Rjabkow says: “It is in security, and in the spirit of the times, Russia is in such a well-managed aussergewöhnlichen situation, as it is. »

Syria-Machthaber Assad is led by Wladimir Putin in Russia under. © dpa/Telegram page of the Syrian presidency + dpa/Pool Sputnik Kremlin/AP | Vyacheslav Prokofiev

Nach Macht-Sturz in Syria: Assad Anwesenheit in Russia officiall bestätigt

Rjabkow was the best damit, the first Offiziell Assad Anwesenheit in Russia. Auf die Frage, the Kreml of the Syrian President hemaligen ausliefern internationalen Strafgerichtshof said that the stellvertretende Außenminister deutlich: “Russia is a Green State of the Übereinkommens zur Errichtung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs. »

Rjabkow elaborated on Assad’s current situation, saying: “I didn’t have that moment, I was at that moment with me.” es gelöst wurde“.

Review of the Syrian regimes: Laut Russland entschied Assad selbständig über seinen Rücktritt

The Syrian regime group is a real rallying point for Russian President Wladimir Putin, while Assad in the transition takes over his role. Putin played a leading role, while Assad trotted into the long civil war during the Great War and in 1971, the Seine family founded the Dynasty competing strongly.

Laut Darstellung du Kremls has Assad personally and personally within Rücktritt entschieden. “Le Rückzug vom Prozess der Ausübung der Pflichten des Staatsoberhaupts war die individu Entscheidung Assads”, thus Dmitri Peskow, speaker of the Kremls, gegenüber russischen Agenturen. There will be no room for your Rolle Moskaus in this place.

Nach seinem Sturz in Syrian hat Assad zusammen mit seiner Familie in Russland Asyl erhalten. Poutine, der sich regelmäßig mit Assad getroffen hat, entschied, die Familie in Russland aufzunehmen, so the Kreml-Sprecher Peskow bereits am Montag. A treffen is not used. The former Assad fighters did not have the Russian authorities. (dpa/jal)

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