
WM-Pokal aus den denden eines autocraten

WM-Pokal aus den denden eines autocraten

( – Liebe Leserinnen and Leser,

Formel-1-Weltmeister Max Verstappen with Paul Kagame, the President of Rwanda



It is also the FIA-Gala 2024, with the beautiful crown of Max Verstappen and McLaren as masters of the world. One of these things gave birth to a story being told, which was for a strange weekend of the war, with photos of the sale of prizes and the best use at the press conferences of the masters of the world. Aber leider hat the FIA-Gala mal wieder einen Schönheitsfehler.

The event was broadcast by the FIA ​​on YouTube and at the Peak it was attended by 55,000 men. Das war in dem Moment, with Zak Brown and Andrea Stella in the Men-Builders of the World Trophy awarded. Then we have a minute spent Verstappen mit dem Fahrerpokal ausgezeichnet wurden, waren immerhin noch 53,000 Zuschauer live dabei.

This is not the case for a world sport as popular as that of Formel 1, but there are also no things to do when the Stream (the word “Live” is available and I am aware ) of Anfang and a hat, above the complete Dauer von three Stunden. Most likely, interviews were carried out on the “Tapis Bleu” for numerous occasions on YouTube, before being lost.

Review of the display in Livechat on YouTube

This “exciting new format”, the man in the imagination angekündigt hatte, wurde dann irgendwie nie si richetig “exciting”, and was genau daran neu gewesen sein soll, erschließt sich mir auch nicht ganz. I’m live on the live chat with Zuschauer’s comments on “It’s so peinlich”, “Bitte schmeißt MBS (Mohammed bin Sulayem) raus” or “Was zur Hölle ist da los?”.

While the three surprises at the end of the article, a user this time wrote: “The war is a great demonstration of propaganda for the dictator of Rwanda.” Denn as Verstappen at the Schluss der Gala, as krönender Höhepunkt, as the new Formel-1-Weltmeister ausgezeichnet wurde, erhielt den Pokal nicht etwa aus den den des Presidents de la FIA ou aus jenen von Formel-1-CEO Stefano Domenicali, sondern er wurde ihm von Paul Kagame überreicht.

Kagame has been the man of the Russian economy since 2000 with a stronger hand and through the administration of the Russian economy, until 2034 until the end of his life. It is great in Western Democracy a zweifelhaften Ruf, although I vorgeworfen wird, the political opposition zu untergraben, does not fall auch mit Gewalt.

Die Sache mit den freien Medien findet Kagame nicht si toll, weshalb es irgendwie ins Bild passt, ass die Pressekonferenzenzen, the normalerweise vor der FIA-Gala stattgefunden haben, 2024, infach gestrichen wurden. Please note that it will not be inhaled until the end of the day. After some delay, the FIA’s PR agencies were tasked by host Tom Clarkson so that there was enough space for press journalists to speak until today.

Last but not least, one weekend of the month in another month, the champions of motor sports are unkritisch zu feiern. And this is also the case with Geheimnis, dass sich auch die Fahrer etwas Schöneres vorstellen können, als gerade mal fünf Tage nach dem letzten Rennen nochmal Fragen von Journalisten zu beantworten, die eigentlich genauso lieber schon in den Weihnachtsferien wären wie sie selbst.

Emotional moment at the Lebenswerk-Award

It is also an unforgettable moment for the great motorsport of the year 2024. And like Michele Mouton for their professional activity ausgezeichnet wurde. The best motorsport in the era was in the past, which was the case for this award, and it was so for a specific moment, like authentication and emotion. Auch im Publikum, the Rallyelegende mit Standing Ovations feierte.

I’m a fan and the Moment became famous, as Tom Clarkson interviewed the queen of African rallies Kalimpinya, their Glück kaum would be konnte, den a paar Meter weiter freundlich lächelnden Max Verstappen a “with my own augen zu sehen. All die Leute , die ich sonst nur im TV voir!”

A moment, in the spirit of the times, as is the case with Formula 1 and the FIA ​​in Africa, and as is the case with the Grundsatz, bald in a Rwandan Grand Prix for the moment. “We cannot get to a grand prix from Africa,” Queen Kalimpinya said. Endlich war Afrika mal, zumindest für einen Abend Lang, the name of international motorsport.

It is a shame that the Funkes are not so rich in emergences during this Gala, that their historical construction as the first of their Art auf afrikanischem Boden is not so generous and werden cann. And this is what is happening at the moment, the president of the FIA, Mohammed ben Sulayem, has often said a big hat to Anteil.

Formal 1 and Afrika: Es ist an der Zeit!

The hosts from Kigali, in the main city of Ruanda, welcomed a man with a festive party, the Brothers’ Galas in Vienna or Paris one evening and this wonderful world that night. Dass dabei auch Ruandas Kunst und Kultur abgebildet wurde, mit Auftritten von afrikanischen Acts, est un toll. Schließlich wollen want to know this Land and this Kontinent better.

Was the man sich my Meinung eher Sparen hätte können, waren offensichtlich geskriptete PR-Interviews, in denen Regierungsvertreter erzählen durften, warum man inbedingt nach Ruanda voyage soll. And he has a president with a second president after Bilanz in Sachen’s men’s law, such a large company that feels good, and which is also dahingestellt. It’s not about help, the evaluation experts, the FIA ​​experts, Ruandas Komplize in Sachen “Sportswashing” inside.

FIA Gala in Kigali

Aber das soll keine Schelte sein. I am sure that I am talking about the stimulation of millions of motorsport fans within the world, of the men of Rwanda and Africa, of the hand and of life, of motorsport at the Zukunft which promises to be possible. This hand is also that of President Kagame and his own autocratic regulations, which allows me to go back and forth.

C’est l’europäische et auch ein bisschen deutsche Arroganz, manchmal auf andere Teile der Welt zu blicken, zu meckern und sich insgeheim zu denken: “Wir hätten das best hinge kriegt als die armen Teufel.” In Kigali and the men, the FIA-Gala has already organized a sensational Job and a prodigious Rahmen. Das hätten also Wien and Paris do not have better hinbekommen.

Dass der Abend “cringed” a little when the president of the FIA ​​declared today that he was not the man of the school in Rwanda, which earned him to be one of the officials of the FIA ​​agency. So, find a spectator of a fan “only in his journey”, the viele of the champions ausgezeichneten in “Massenabfertigung mit ihren Pokalen abgespeist und schnell wieder von der Bühne gejagt” wurden.

So it is also the case, others also before the Oscars, who have chances of winning, to probe from one image film to another, a skewer of a hektisch anmutenden prize and a couple who spans hiking moments, and which is also Christian Horner with his wife Ehefrau Geri. presented by Bernie Ecclestone to the FIA ​​President for 2022, the Innovation Medal will be revealed, without Bernie personally prepared to respond to the war.

And some good news that carries the day of yesterday and today: The FIA ​​won the month of April 2024 with an operational gain of 2.2 million euros – one, as part of the process of press, “a commercial decision” for 2021, as Mohammed bin Sulayem den Verband mit A month of less than 24 million euros nicknamed Hat.

If the Formel-1-Fahrer is at the same time, it will be possible to do so.

Christian Nimmervoll

Hinweis: It is in the nature of health that this column has imposed a subjective attitude on me. Wer other Meinung ist, cann das gern mit mir auskutieren, et zwar sur mon Facebook-Site “Formel 1 inside mit Christian Nimmervoll”. Dort is not in the first line of the “Breaking News” about the Grand-Prix-Zirkus, which seems to be very subjective for everyone and much more difficult to understand the details of the most interesting events behind the scenes of Formel 1.