
On his first start: Lukas Kaufmann will compete in the Race Across America in 2025

On his first start: Lukas Kaufmann will compete in the Race Across America in 2025

The Race Across America-Fieber has been delivered in its package: Lukas Kaufmann, the son of his first premiere in a long time and the strongest sensation in the world twice, will be the best in RAAM until 2025. June 10, 2025 , the start protection fell for a distance of 4,900 kilometers and a race of 50,000 meters of altitude in Rennes.

KRONSTORF, United States. Die Strecke im nächsten Jahr ist ident zu der von heuer. After departure, on June 10, Oceanside is in Kalifornischen across the United States – through weather and temperatures, mountains and surroundings of Geraden – near Atlantic City in New Jersey. In their sensational second place that day, with a day of July 8, 23 days, Lukas Kaufmann das Ziel for 2025 defined: “I’m not sure if I start now, but I expect a seat!”

Sponsors will be überzeugt

The budget for the Race Across America “Abenteuer” was announced by the purse: “The RAAM 2024 is so gut between my partners. All items are happy with the release and the film, so that they are ready to I’m waiting. The war is deutlich schwieriger, the sponsors zu überzeugen I’m leaving for an early 2025, because I’m a friend of the Rauszögers bin Ich weiß, I was approaching the RAAM for. do it better.

Quick identities Betreuerteam

Also the 14-köpfige Betreuercrew of Lukas Kaufmann is fixed: “Es freut mich voll, ass Teamchef Thomas Hölzl et Arzt Jürgen Minar bereits ihre Zusage getätigt haben. And 95 Prozent der restlichen Betreuer, die heuer bereits dabei waren, wollen mich until 2025 more support.” In Bezug auf die Vorbereitung auf das RAAM, Lukas Kaufmann einiges verändern:

“I’m going to have more kilometers on the road. In December I had a training program twice in Lanzarote, which brought me to full strength in February. In general, I have the theme Zeitfahren and austere aerodynamics verbessern, wir wollen auch Windkanaltests vornehmen. Generell war ich heuer beim RAAM in den Bergen und Wüstenabschnitten der Schnellste, Zeit habe ich vor allem auf den langen Geraden Das muss ich verbessern.

Ziele for 2025

Neben dem RAAM, wo Lukas im Vorfeld wenige Rennen bestreiten will, steht danach die Salzkammergut Trophy auf dem Programm. Danach will first be king of the lake under the Stundengrenze bleiben. And my plan is that the largest Ultracycling-Rennen Österreichs im nächsten Jahr: Beim Race Around Austria will take place for the first time in the Heimat um Weltmeisterschaftsehren im Ultracyling. “I think the race around Austria will go as planned. But it will happen naturally with the organization of the RAAM,” said Kaufmann.



Energy perspective

Ohne Freiflächen geht es nicht

The experts have one thing in mind: the Österreich schafft die Energiewende nur durch die Errichtung von Freiflächen-PV. Hubert Fechner, Obmann der Technologieplattform Photovoltaik, participated in an active study for a clear Ergebnis. This is a sustainable climate installation until 2030 with photovoltaic energy of up to 21 terawatts to be generated, with the potential for building and other infrastructure “keinesfalls ausreichen, um cese Ziele zu erreichen”, as well as than the expert. Potential nuts…

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