
“Unvergesslich und einzigartig”: Johnny Ertls Boxing-Day-Souvenirs

“Unvergesslich und einzigartig”: Johnny Ertls Boxing-Day-Souvenirs

Weihnachten, Neujahrszeit et Fußball gehören in England untrennbar zusammen. From December 26 to the traditional Boxing Day, until January 6, profiles of the three complete compilations will be played. Johannes “Johnny” Ertl appeared in the Island Magic from 2008 to 2016. “This day is unforgettable and unique”, he is the Crystal-Palace and Portsmouth legend in history with the kicker.

The previous week Johnny Ertl (42 years old) is in this situation: I am given as an expert at the Rapid in Copenhagen on Canal +, I am playing a role for Puls 4 at the Spielfeldrand at the Allianz Arena in Munich near Bayern at RB Leipzig. Danach zurück in Mürztal zwischen den Fischbacher und Mürztaler Alpen, wo der mittlerweile dreifache Familienvater gemeinsam mit seiner Frau einen Forstbetrieb führt.

This is the language of the English Legion in England with “Goals & Vision” in another company project, independent of Trainer Bzw. Manager mit Inselambitionen auf Sprache, Lebensweise et spezielle Herausforderungen im Mutterland des Fußballs vorbereitet. They played in the first professional Sturm Graz (2003 – 2006) and Austria (2006 – 2008) in the Championship for Crystal Palace (2008 – 2010) and Sheffield United (2010 – 2012) in League One and League Two. Portsmouth (2012 – 2016).

Johnny Ertl, sie et die Insel, English football with all members of tradition and some fans – war is a real relationship of trust, which is auf Gegenseitigkeit beruhte. I think there will be holidays before Thursday, Boxing Day, the hour before and after New Year’s Eve. How do you present your preparations for the ladies?

These days are unforgettable. As my ladies at Crystal Palace have begun, the war is all new to me. I got a sneak peek of the Boxing Day specials, and bought them. Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby makes me war on Matura-Buch. This era is precisely that of Besonderes, an Alleinstellungsmerkmal for British football in Europe. Today, I tell you in this era of the table, this game is the only one to be designed for the next season. It is a fact, like the man of the Mannschaft and also the players in this intensive phase.

How can you take care of these women for the household chores and routines of a football professional – how can you go beyond practicing Weihnachten?

Die Vorbereitung war immer sehr speziell. Im Gegensatz zu uns en Österreich ist den Briten le 24. December este equal. Da war ganz normal training. And then I have my beautiful friends, my beautiful women and my family online via Skype in the future. In England, it is in Weihnachten on December 25. For British players and their families who are waging war on natural etiquette, we have Santa Claus on Friday by the Kamin kommt and the children brought gifts. On the 25th the manager will soon be free, he will have arrived on December 26. Das war eine 50:50-Chance, je nachdem wie die Mannschaft vorher gespielt hat. When I’m 25. The training war, dann eher spät, weil das wichtige Happening ja in der Früh war.

Boxing Day, addressed to all fans. Was Macht diesen Tag in den Stadien so surprising?

The game takes place on December 26 and is therefore agreed, teams do not need to travel. Crystal Palace played in a Bournemouth or Manchester City match at Everton’s home, which is convenient to Eck. He is also a little character from Derby. And football left just for Christmas Day, at 25 years old. Games are immersed in sales. It’s a clean atmosphere in the stadium, with a Feier tag system. Now you can see it in these Tagen noch umfangreichere Berichterstattung im Fernsehen, im Radio et allen Zeitungen. The Fußball is an ideal fixer in everyday life.

Auch bei Portsmouth war Ertl ein kopromissloser Innenverteidiger.
Johannes Ertl/Portsmouth FC

Are you the best for special offers for players and managers?

You have a complete whole. Three races in a woman – and then a pair of days further with the next FA-Cup race. I can make a game inside, but I won’t have a breathtaking war in regeneration time. In my first birthday in England, the war was a brutal elimination. Your new products will be checked by Silvester at the Mannschaftshotel, but not all items. Other things are extremely surprising, we immerse ourselves in the house and among the players it is a friend or family. And then I go der dunkle, kalte, regnerische Jänner. There are more friends and family. You have an extremely old game and you are immersed in the learning game. Im Jänner muss man wirklich extrem aufpassen, dass man nicht kippt – weil auch oft Verletzungen dazukommen.

Who is your person with this extreme Belastung and the Druck zurechtgekommen?

I have just had extreme knowledge for a year. Crystal Palace won, in their first national tournament, with their kicken. But I’ll take you in a skifahrer for you – Sound of Music, Lederhosen and so on. And if you take a risk, even if I don’t have a war, monate must play. This high intensity, there’s only one other level. The man is also very schnell austauschbar, weil die Kader groß sind. Man muss sich jedes Mal beweisen. Now you have to leave the information in question, if it is written with the Belastungssteuerung and persönlichen Weiterentwicklung. I had the opportunity to see how to visualize the gears, with intensive planning auf den Gegner. I want the “Skifahrer” to be in the position of the seiner and to be like the Brite.

Have you already taken care of the club and manager?

Along with Palace’s bad manager, Neil Warnock, I am the best Lehrmeister. Der tickte ganz eigen, war immer geradeaus brutals et ehrlich. “Johnny, you are shit” or “Johnny, I need you” – bei ihm hat man gewusst, woran man ist, wenn man in seinem Office gesessen ist. This is what the British say Lebens- und Spielweise Verkörpert. It’s old school warfare, but it’s a very good game for men and younger players. This Ehrlichkeit and the extreme war of the armed forces are anfang schwierig, because they are kein Streicheln gegeben. But I therefore need to be schätzen gelernt.

Pflegen Do you still have contact with your opposing clubs and teams?

Hin et wieder bin ich schon drüben. Crystal Palace and Portsmouth offer varied role play, and a man trifft with other players. At Crystal Palace, I’m always looking for what I want, like Oli Glasner and his “Co” Ronni Brunmayr, naturally. One of the co-trainers, Patrick McCarthy, sent me to the Innenverteidiger-Kollege at the Palace. And in Portsmouth, I experienced an unbearable war, which became the war of Jahre Kapitän. He is also with Nicolas Schmid an Österreicher im Tor, der von Blau Weiß Linz hinge. This is the size of me, the man who had a chance to do it.

Do you have any ideas for preparing for the Boxing Day specials?

My second birthday in England and at the Crystal Palace. We will be playing Boxing Day at the home of Ipswich Town. I wage war on everyone. My best friend and colleague was a British woman and a man in Nantwich. I will have it ready for December 25th. Director Warnock has the 25. free. Am 24. nach dem Training bin ich mit dem Zug rauf. It is a legendary war and a Riesenspass, although Österreich and England surrendered to the Weihnachten. Le 24. haben wir Österreicher gefeiert, le 25. die Briten. We have the österreichischen and the English Weihnachtslieder gesungen.

So I’m 25 years old. I’m traveling to London, with an ausgeborgten car – and I’m on the M6 ​​through the Midlands, where the hotel is on a full street. Das werde ich nie vergesen. Gegen Ipswich bin ich eingewechselt worden et habe mit den Umschwung gebracht zum Heimsieg. In dem Jahr bin ich überhaupt so richtig angekommen in England, and das Spiel war richtig schön. Dabei war ich zu Beginn angefressen. Meine Eltern et le Tante waren in acht Jahren zweimal in England, et geade da spiele je nicht von Anfang an. Aber der Manager wollte mich stop schonen.

They have been in the clubs, with the managers and for all the fans, in their expectations and in a real figure of identification. Was it because you had green land that you were so gut nach in England?

My ganze Art, Spielweise et persönliche Identification mit der Kultur und den Vereinen. I wage war against all company representatives and have represented them. Unter dem Strich geht es immer um die Menschen, the man trifft. The man takes an Atem language, must be tough and have more chances. Bei Palace has a season with 56 games. Man must be left behind, you may be able to take care of him. The Ausländer must be so too, in the other culture, and even more so, as well as the other, so well. Das golden for jeden Job, nicht nur für Fußballer.

When a man in England in the square took the course and brought him, he was able to go to the church and to the church. Men’s identification, relationships and interests in clubs and players are greater and richer. Die Höhen sind sehr hoch, die Tiefen sind sehr tief. Am Golden End: the kannst of the big Vogel abseits des Platzes sein, aber wenn du 90 Minuten Gas gibst, wirst du akzeptiert. My high-quality football has been passed – well, three strong players, a strong Wechselpass, I had the anti-zipiert spirit and was a leader by example. Die Leute haben gewusst: Passieren ihm einmal trois Fehlpässe, kommt eine ordentliche Grätsche et gut ist es.

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