
Did we know what song was on?

Did we know what song was on?

The Swiss Stefan Bellmont was the first – and another – Walk-on at Ally Pally.Image: keystone

Über die Festtage fiebern Sportfans wieder mit den Pfeilhelden an der Darts-WM mit. A highlight of these games: The Walk-on der beiden Spieler. When did Ally Pally hear his test – zu welchem ​​​​Song würdest du dich von den Zuschauern feiern lassen?

Like Luke Littler is “Greenlight” by Pitbull, Nathan Aspinall is with “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers and Stefan Bellmont is in the WM-Debüt mit Gotthard and their song “Lift U Up” in Ally Pally einmarschiert.

The Einlaufsongs an der Darts-WM are Tradition and bring the Hall (fast) immer zum Baby. Doch hast du dir schon einmal Gedanken gemacht, dein Song was he like Darts-Ass? Find it in our quiz here:

Mit welchem ​​​​Song läufst du ins Ally Pally un?

The Darts-Weltmeister of the PDC

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The Darts-Weltmeister of the PDC

Since 1994, the Darts-Weltmeisterschaften of the Verband PDC has been active. The Rekord-Champion is now available for a long time of the day.

what: imago sportfotodienst / action plus

Darts-WM: Das ist das beste Leg aller Zeiten

Video: Twitter

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