
Von Show über Dinner bis zur wilden Party

Von Show über Dinner bis zur wilden Party

A festival, a comedy show, the singing night or all the backgrounds? These events will take place in Magdeburg for years to come.

Magdeburg – Hat In der Silvesternacht Magdeburg unique Events zu bieten! Ob es Unterhaltung, a festliches dinner or a wild party will take place as follows: Der Rutsch wird guaranteeert nicht langweilig.

Festmahl and Interhaltung

Botanical – We are the ones who are the best sellers of the Bauch all the time, it is the Speiselokal Botanica in the Otto-von-Guericke-Straße gut aufgehoben. Twice between 6:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. you will find a winter dinner with the theme “Oldschool Ostblock” – with dishes like kaviar dishes, tomato dishes and takeaway meals in a takeaway . Im Ticket für 85 Euro gives dinner with sektpunsch, non-alcoholic alcohol and water.


Schauspielhaus / Opera – The Theater offers a full program of Silvesterprogramm an: Sowohl das Musical Anything Goes as well as the Komödie Planet B kommen mit anschließender Silvesterparty. More information in our overview.

Das Musical Anything Goes läuft am letzten Tag des Jahres 2 Mal. © Magdeburg Theater

Shows, comedy and music

Grüne Zitadelle Theater – During the Silvestershow of the artists of the Hundertwasserhaus Theater, the Ensemble überraschende Unterhaltung chose to “put on a show with a concert”.

This is a presentation at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets cost up to 36.15 euros and are sold depending on the time starting point. When the theater is sent by TAG24, you can purchase Restticket tickets by mail or by phone.

Magdeburger Zwickmühle – The Zwickmühle in der Leiterstraße is a politisch-satirisches Kabarett. Under the motto “Kein Verstand in Sicht” will be here zum Jahreswechsel noch einmal ordentlich die Ampel aufs Korn genommen. At 3 p.m., the show lasts 135 minutes with a break. Tickets cost around 29.60 euros and can be purchased until dark.

Messeplatz Max Wille – At the Messeplatz Max Wille auf der Elbinsel steht noch bis zum 7. Januar der Magdeburger Weihnachtscircus. Artists, dressed scenes and clowns in charge of a family Christmas show between 4 and 7:30 p.m. Bei dieser zahlen Erwachsene Kinderpreise! Tickets cost around 30 euros online.

Kulturzentrum Feuerwache Magdeburg – In the Feuerwache in Sudenburg with the Magdeburg group Danny Priebe and DJ Wassi for the Stimmung zum Jahreswechsel! At 7:30 p.m. there will be independent songs and covers in a singer/songwriter and rock style. Tickets are available for 30 euros in advance sale.


Brand Festung – Die Festung Mark am Hohepfortewall combines Disco with Live-Musik! “Ladies Live” is broadcast from 8 p.m. with a show of Latin, pop, disco and club concerts from the 70s, 80s and 90s to the current charts.

Daneben performed with two DJs in a “Party Fun Mix”, Charts and dance classics. The ticket from 48.89 euros includes a tasting meal and a medium snack. Auch Feuerwerk is geben.

Lake Neustädter – Wer Lust auf Open Air Hat, at the “Strandparx Cable Island” party: twice between 7 and 3 o’clock there is a wood-fired sektempfang, a festival buffet and a DJ directly by the sea. The card for 149 euros includes a trip with sekt, the buffet and a snack bar.

Buttergasse – In the Tanzclub Buttergasse am Alten Markt, DJ Toni Winter comes to listen to music at 9 p.m. in a themed overview of the day. From one o’clock there is “Clubbanger, Houseclassics and Discoperlen”. In tickets from 30 euros you will receive enthalten tickets.

Island of Youth – Die Insel der Jugend en der Maybachstraße feiert die “Nacht der guten Vorsätze”. For 12 euros entry is about 23 hours of music on three floors, a “the Korken knallen zu lassen and the guten Vorsätze directly further from the edge zu werfen”.

Boys’n’Beats – The Gay Club in Liebknechtstraße features “Silver Silvester” – 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. is here all in Silver geschmückt – ideal for guests. Neben Partymusik gives firework, snacks and Neujahrssekt. Mittizettel und volljähriger Begleitperson können yesterday auch 17-Jährige feiern. Tickets are available for 10 euros online and from the Abendkasse.

TAG24 has good German and naturally old Spaß am letzten Tag des Jahres! In 2025, it’s like we both have Wochenende ausgewählte Veranstaltungstipps aus der Ottostadt.