
Gold Award: Intakte Seitwärtsrange nach ruhigem Feiertaghandel | 27.12.24

Vor dem Wochenende presentiert sich das gelbe Edelmetallmit mit leicht negativen Vorzeichen und tendiert nach einem starken Jahr weiterhin seitwärts.

by Jörg Bernhard

Managers are also committed to actively signaling the US economy under the leadership of the Trump government and listening to Australian policy from the Federal Reserve. The FedWatch-Tool of the Termination Banks CME Group is in a waiting time of less than 50 percent and the US laws on level deadlines from the end of 2025 in mind of 50 basis points are planned. The earliest dates for the US agricultural market were earlier and more recent. With $219,000 being received during the business trip to the American arbitration agency, the analysts’ prediction reached $224,000. I’m currently getting the market very interested in November sales in the US trade balance sheet and retail trade (as of 2:30 p.m.). The last two years will be the same, as the record of the best year performance (current: 27.7 Prozent) is the same as the 2010 year (+29.5 Prozent).

Am Freitagmorgen presents sich der Goldpreis mit leicht nachgebenden Notierungen. Up to 7.45 (MEZ) is an active future on Gold (February) from 3.70 to 2,650.20 Dollar for Feinunze.

Rohöl: Warten auf EIA-Update

The price of oil is so expensive in general merchandise stores. The new impetus will be launched by the fossil energy researcher in the next session, when the US-Energiebehörde Energy Information Administration (5:00 p.m.) will be responsible for the management of storage reserves and production. Laut un von Trading Economics will examine the analysis of the analysts sollen sich die gelagerten Ölmengen in der gegenenen Woche un 2.0 Millionen Barrel aben, während bei den Benzinreserven ain Minus von 1.0 Millionen Barrel et bei Destillaten (Heizöl and Diesel) un Rückgang um 700,000 Barrel erwartet wird.

Am Freitagmorgen presents sich der Ölpreis mit stabilen Notierungen. Until 7.45 hours (MEZ) the WTI-Future closes 0.07 at $69.55, while the Brent pendant reaches 0.10 at $72.75.


New: Oil, Gold, all the Rohstoffe mit Hebel (bis 20) handeln


Handeln Sie Rohstoffe mit Hebel und kleinen Spreads. You can get up to €100 at the start of the sale, with a capital of €2,000 to profit from!

82% of the small bank account verlieren Geld beim CFD-Handel mit this Anbieter. If you do so, please note that if you leave the contents in question, you will be able to do so immediately.

Image: Net falls – Remy Musser /,Juri /,Eric Chiang/123rf