
Queertactics – Wiener Filmfestival: Austerity burns

Queertactics – Wiener Filmfestival: Austerity burns

»Avant-Drag!« in Athens, a film by Fil Ieropoulos

Photo: Independent distribution agency

The Club is an organization of the organization: together with the people, they generate the identity in the organization. On the Dancefloor of Club U, the basement of another Otto-Wagner station on Vienna’s Karlsplatz square is located near the Freitag vieles möglich. DJ Malounadou, DJ Yassi of the legendary House of Oriental music, performed on the audio track with an iconic new hymn. “Music is the answer – to your problems” – by Celeda and Danny Tenaglia in the Spätneunzigern propaganda strategy for promoting the local LGBTIQ+ community that has been mobilized until today. If there is nothing other than diverse, you may also find it inclusive – it may be a part of the queer culture of the Sicht- und Hörbarmachen von Stimmen aus der Diaspora.

During this war of the year, Queertactics first launched a portion of drag clowns in Live-Form with dabei. Drei Performer*innen aus dem Athens der Post-Austeritäts-Ära betraten kurz vor Mitternacht die Bühne du Club U. Wenige Stunden zuvor waren sie im Documentarfilm »Avant-Drag! Radical Performers Re-Imagine Athens« by Fil Ieropoulos auf der Leinwand des Wiener Admiral-Kinos zu sehen, in Rahmen des diejährigen Queertactics-Filmfestivals. I am a pillenbestückten Korsett mit türkiser Irokesenperücke e Plüschdildo scheint jeder Rekurs auf eine wie auch immer geartete Zweigeschlechtlichkeitsnorm obsolete. For Kangela Tromokratisch, Véronique Tromokratisch and Drag-King Er Libido made the Trans*-Morde trip to their city with momentum for their queer Körpergrotesken. Beim Rebetiko-Playback grüßte Zak Kostopoulos alias Zackie Oh heimlich aus dem Off – information on the homophobe who was approached by the LGBTIQ+ activist in September 2018 in the street of Athens.

Mit kausalen Verkettungen genormter Körper hätte sich das durchweg kritische Publikum des viertägigen Festivals keineswegs zufriedengegeben. Nicht allein auf Ästhetiken kommt es bei Queertactics et, auf die Erzählungen dahinter – et die Möglichkeit ihrer Übersetzung in ein anderes Register. An unrestricted audio description, the person you hear from the complete film is also available, and it is finally due to the fact that the film is on the outside. Während des Eröffnungsabends Forderte Eine aufmerksame Subtitler * en Aus Dem Publikum Demnach auch ein, was Aus Gehörlosen UNGER des hörbaren Geschehens im unteren Bildrand. If you want to know where to go, you can find out more about the functions – even if they are equivalent, you will have to use different functions.

The festival management of Queertactics offers you an optimal audio description for the ohrenbetäubenden sounds in »Todo El Silencio« – this will allow you to fall into the discussion during the discussion. Katja Wiederspahn and Dagmar Fink present the queeren Liebling in Mexico in the cinema hall of the Metro-Kinokulturhaus on the occasion of actress Ludwika Paleta and an art teacher. The movie characters are written in a spoken Spanish language – and they seem to have edimensional solutions for a southern operating company capable of being in greater offense.

»All The Silence« was created by education and training company Miriam, as CODA – Child of Deaf Adults – at the local civil society festival. If you do so, your hours will be revealed, plus the sound experience in the film – from information about the dröhnenden language of Hyperakusis to playing the films in the other. Die wachsenden Spannungen zwischen Miriam und ihrer gehörlosen et doch sprechenden Partnerin kulminieren in einer finalen Szene: “I don’t understand you”, it’s kurz vor der Abblende. Miriam responded to his films – and consulted the Blick des Publikums.

In this month we have Queertactics for this alt day. Through the efforts of a sponsor*, the festival organizer has a financial stand and engages with guests in Australia; For more than twice as much right, like Dagmar Fink in his speech, I do not. Gabi Frimberger’s Association of Vienna Fiction Films launched a form of Queertactics training during the year – thanks to a small management that does not have former heteronormative films that refrain from Rahmen programs.

Seine feministische Grundierung hat das Festival bis heute nicht verloren, et es verleugnet seine Herkünfte nicht. The Brazilian play film “Baby” by Marcelo Caetano, on the part of his son in the Admiral-Kino lief, made the “schwulen quote” on the part of the general direction of Katja Wiederspahn. Modern screenings at screenings and screenings are also available in this month for men within the LGBTIQ+-Spektrum program present – ​​by Eva Fels (Verein TransX), Dani Baumgartner for feminist information and training center for women in solidarity up to twice as transmasked people vom stlern Wiener Voguing-Verein trans*motion. They commented on the screening of the 2005 documentary films “The Aggressives”, which took place in 2005 and last year, the pioneer of Barbara Reumüller’s Queerfilmfestival.

Dem Anschein nach es ganz einfach: Man schreite auf einer gedachten Linie möglichst geradlinig durch den Raum et startne dabei jeden Schritt mit dem Fußballen. When we start, there is no influence on the Körperhaltung: Becken et Schultern kippen zurück, un Hüftschwung entwickelt sich – et genau darauf kommt es beim Voguing an. Previously, this is one of the categories that deals with female animation. From the results of Jennie Livingston’s documentary documentary “Paris is Burning” (1990), black Queens and its Houses appear, queer Ballroom-Culture in its categories.

In “The Aggressives” by Daniel Peddles, he reveals black women, living men, in the “Butch” category above the beasts. If you are in danger, you will find companies or Wall-Street-Brokers who are already »AGs«, or »Aggressives«. Abseits davon begehren sie vieles – vor german aber andere Frauen. Bei ihren Walks steht ihre Credibility jedes Mal aufs Neue auf dem Spiel: Nur wer glaubwürdig durchgehen kann, wird zum gefeierten Star. “Being a butch is doing a man’s job,” says one of the two men in “Les Aggressives,” one of the Classics of Golden Queer Cinema. The Fortsetzung started on 25 years and the story of Butch is not strong. Abseits des Rahmenprogrammems wollen Katja Wiederspahn e Dagmar Fink ihre unvorhersehbaren Transformationen demnächst ins Licht rücken – as Doku-Sequel-Follow-Up mit Zeitlücke dazwischen.

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On January 1, 2022, there will be a unique “and” link with the Zeitung herausgeben, where the Belegschaft and the Leser*innen gehört. Sei dabei unterstütze als Genossenschaftsmitglied Medievalfalt et sichtbare linkede Positionen. Jetzt die Beitrittserklärung ausfüllen.
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