
With the PlayStation 5 Pro, Sony has a price, which has nothing to do with

With the PlayStation 5 Pro, Sony has a price, which has nothing to do with

What is the price of the PS5 Pro and was it planned to purchase? Nils gibt seine Einschätzung dazu ab.

While all the talk about the price of the PlayStation 5 Pro, as a hardware enthusiast, the buyer provided more details about the legend it was its technology at its fingertips.

Doch es gelingt mir nicht.

Dabei geht mir das Herz auf, wenn ich Schlagworte here as more FPS And better image quality – or best for clear weather.

You can all listen to the new console, like Jans ausführlicher PlayStation 5 Pro review right now. Aber darüber schwebt stets die eine, drängende Frage: Zu werchem ​​Price?

This time it was yesterday and yesterday and the PS5 Pro, which seems to be good at that time, was its price for a complete game console.

Nils tested the hardware for the GameStar and the articles for the GamePro in October 2013 – in Start bei uns field also in the turbulent release phase of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. We carried out further testing on PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One If the Konsolen technisch weiterentwickeln, verfolgt er aber nicht nur aus beruflichen Gründen stets gespannt mit.

Das Dammbruchargument

A Dammbruch argument is so sure that Steine ​​​​is the best, one of them in Rollen gebracht wurden, is no longer aufhalten lassen.

Now we have seen the latest game in Bezug auf the PlayStation and the Release of the PS5 Pro, and I can give you your first thoughts. Sony will certainly pay up to 800 euros for the PS5 Pro – a price, which is not yet available for a large console.

Die bislang teuersten Konsolen von Sony et Microsoft:

  • In January 2000, the PlayStation 2 had a selling price of 869, without D-Mark and without Euro. The 2002 price will cost you up to 249 euros (via Golem).
  • Bisheriger Euro-Spitzenreiter is the PlayStation 3, which was released in January 2007 for 599 euros.
  • Microsoft’s Xbox consoles reach a maximum of 499 euros, as shown by the current Xbox Series X models.

I can also know that the new console from Sony and Microsoft costs between 400 and 500 euros.

Genau damit ist durch the young release of the PlayStation 5 Pro erstmals Schluss. To have your new console in search of your new prices, we suggest you consult the following video podcasts:


PS5 Pro: to buy or not?

PC Graphics Cards and Illustrated Cards

Dass Gaming-Hardware like graphics cards and not consoles in the last days they have really been created, which is very green. However, this means that Gaming and Hobby (and Beruf) will be able to use the Beliebtheit erfreut et un immer kaufkräftigere Zielgruppe zu bieten hat.

However, the Corona- and Chip-Krises are already available. It is very likely that the manufacturers of this time were very attached to computer hardware, but that many (more) men were tuned in to video games.

The game is also available (not representative) on more widely, as the graph on install base and approximately 40,000 points is shown.

  • It is true that Teilnehmer’s old jewels amount to 500 euros for their purchase of GPU and that they will soon be in Kauf oberhalb ceser Grenze liegen.
  • In January 2016 I got a price of 20 percent and more than 500 euros for your graphics card. In March 2021, the purchase price was 50 percent and the new price in June 2024 was 65 percent.
  • Das klar veränderte Angebot spielt dabei un wichtige Rolle. Während Grafikkarten for more than 500 Euro früher die clair Ausnahme waren, et solche Price heute heute hete the Regel.

Two graphics cards, one clear image

If an Nvidias RTX 3080 and your Nachfolger RTX 4080 can help you, like the price of the price on the graphics card in the war of the last month:

  • Zum Release der RTX3080 in Herbst 2020, Nvidia’s Founders Edition 699 euros free. Doch die ersten Modelle waren schnell ausverkauft and bei Ebay & Co. tauchten Scalper-Angebote for 1.200 Euro and more auf.
  • Im May 2021 it’s noch schlimmer aus: Erfolgreich erzielte Verkaufspreise von more than 1,900 euros For the RTX 3080, items on Ebay are not unusual.
  • End of 2022, it’s really your life in shape RTX4080 erschienen. Nvidias Founders Edition Free Download: 1,469 euros – there’s also a lot more going on, as is the case with the release of the RTX 3080.

A must, which is not with the PlayStation 5 Pro as part of the board, is not yet in line with such an austere focus.

The first new console with the Chip-Krise as clear Signal

If you have a problem with the PS5 Slim with any device, the PS5 Pro is the first new console with the Chip-Krise. The entrepreneur also does not have a way to pass a freezing period, material for more time to use as a bisher.

If you want, that’s why the PS5 Pro will be more modern. Dabei is not at hand, the PS4 Pro damals trotz schnellerer Hardware eben not teurer war and the PS4 without Pro-Zusatz.

This is a good move, because Microsoft has a purchase price of 500 euros, and is committed to becoming Sony’s PlayStation domination directly in a duel with Xbox.

I would be even more exaggerated, if Sony for the PlayStation 6 does not have a price as high as that of the PlayStation 5 Pro. It will be released on Friday 2027 and will likely be available for early 2028. More here in our biggest Hub article for PS6:

Inflation and Irrtum

A general overview of what happens in a vergan price click should be addressed so far: Inflation.

For a purchase of 600 euros when the PS3 was released in January 2007, there is a high inflation from which costs 850 euros.

I can help you get rid of these problems, because the high cost of PS5 Pro is preserved. When you find out about the background of the Sorge, Sony damit eine (Preis-) Tür aufgestoßen hat, die nun nie more geschlossen wird.

Bleibt abschließend wohl nur eins: die (zugegebenermaßen sehr vage) Hoffnung, dass es sich bei ceser Sorge letztlich um einen Irrtum handelt.

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