
New Erkenntnisse zu chemischen Reaktionen

New Erkenntnisse zu chemischen Reaktionen

Ultraschnel dissociation of molecules analyzed by BESSY II
Molekularer Katapulteffekt lässt Bindungen brechen

Quelle: Pressemitteilung Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

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The fall of molecules in natural light is an ultra-Schneller process of several Femtosekunden. An international research team is not independent, but it is not possible to do so. Dies wirft neues Licht auf die Natur Chemischer Reaktionen.

A team of experts takes care of the efficiency of a Molecular Katapult, like radio photocopiers: the light atomic groups are directed towards a catapult head, as the devices of a Katapult do. Schwereren Atom like Brom and Chlor trennen sich hingegen deutlich langsamer.
The image appears on the cover of “The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters” in print.

(Image: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters)

After the rotation of the Molecule, it is possible to use the Electronics at the best orbital position in extremely high energy sources and its chemical Bindungen overheating. Dies geschieht often extreme, in nur wenigen Femtosekunden (10-15s). These phenomena are caused by light molecules such as ammonia, briny substances, sea salts or tasteless chemicals, but they can also be used in molecules with schwereren atoms.

A team from France and Germany oversees a nun schnellen Zerfall von Molekülen underlying, die Halogen enthalten. If you are interested in Molekül, in Dem Brom- und Chloratome durch eine leichte eine Alkylengruppe (CH2) verbunden sind. Services deployed on the BESSY II XUV beamline are a synchrotron synchronization station at the Helmholtz Center in Berlin (HZB).

Black Moleküle beim Zerfall beobachten

Through the absorption of light rays, molecules are released and ionized fragments are detected. These are the forecast, process, and message dates to view. If you do, if the Atom is in the air, you will be able to do so. Dafür entwickelte das Team a New IPA (Ion Pair Average) analysis method names and combine them with initial theoretical foundations to create a reconstruction process.

Wie die Analyze offenbarten, werden zerst leichte Atomgruppen wie CH2 Ausgestoßen, während die schwereren Atom – Brom et Chlor – zurückbleiben et sich folglich longsamer trennen. Interesting comments on Tritt Dies Verhalten of catapultartige nur bei bestimmten Röntgenenergien auf. Theoretical simulations, with experimental methods übereinstimmen, unterstreichen die entscheidende Rolls of Schwingungen der Leichteren Atomgruppen If the Auslösung ceases to be ultra-schnellen Reaktionen.

Dynamics of molecular dissociation

“This study aims the unique dynamics of molecular dissociation under the direction of the studies,” said Dr. Oksana Travnikova (CNRS, Sorbonne University, France), Erstautorin der Studie. Insbesondere legt die new Study dar, the catapultartige Bewegung leichter Gruppen die Trennung schwerer Fragmente einleitet, ain Prozess, der sich in bemerkenswert kurzen Zeiträumen entfaltet. These products are subject to chemical reactions and molecular weights, such as their energy consumption and complex molecules.

Original publication: Oksana Travnikova, Victor Kimberg, Barbara Cunha de Miranda, Florian Trinter, Markus S. Schöffler, Stéphane Carniato, Tatiana Marchenko, Renaud Guillemin, Iyas Ismail, Gregor Kastirke, Maria Novella Piancastelli, Till Jahnke, Reinhard Dörner & Marc Simon: X-ray -Induced molecular catapult: ultrafast dynamics driven by light bondsJ.Phys. Chemical. Lett. (2024), Vol 15/Number 47, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02511
