
Two products available from Ekel-Fondue

Two products available from Ekel-Fondue


Chinese in testTwo products available from Ekel-Fondue

Gefährliche Keime in Tiefkühl-Fondue entdeckt: Im Trutenfleisch von Aldi fanden Tester Listerien, im Kalbfleisch von Lidl EHEC-Bakterien.

  • A test of 16 Chinese fondue cooking products was carried out: two dishes are delivered effortlessly, but with just one fondue machine.

  • In the specific case of Aldi, there is a list of Listeria monocytogenes which can cause infections.

  • Lidl meat has EHEC bacteria, which is responsible for scraps and hard-to-reach completions.

  • There are many control solutions for lists and EHEC in these products, which have been fully checked.

In a Saldo magazine test you will find 16 fondue Chinese products from Aldi, Coop, Lidl and Migros. Die Ergebnisse zeigen: Zwölf Product waren einwandfrei, doch in einzelnen Packungen wurden krankmachende Keime nachgewiesen. Particular problem: meat from Aldi has listeria monocytogenes and meat from Lidl is in contact with bacterial bacteria of the EHEC types.

Die Untersuchung prüfte Fleischsorten like Rind, Schwein, Kalb, Poulet et Trute auf Krankheitserreger, multi-resistente Keime et die allgemeine Keimbelastung. Positive: The products are made from multi-resistant bacteria, and they can be tested if they are not damaged.

General lists in the butcher

Listeria monocytogenes, from an Aldi food product, can cause serious infections. The law of the Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) began in 2023 in Swiss men to listeriosis, an infection, which addresses Schwangere, other men and immune systems which are gefährlich, like “Saldo” schreibt. Symptoms of falling and wandering until the schweren complications wie Blutvergiftungen and Hirnhautentzündungen. Die Sterblichkeit liegt laut BAG bei gemeldeten Fallen bei bis zu 20 Prozent.

In Trutenfleischproben von Lidl et Migros wurden Listeria welshimeri nachgewiesen, die jedoch als ungefährlich gelten.

EHEC in Lidl delicatessen

The food from Lidl enthielt EHEC-Bakterien, einen gefährlichen Stamm von Escherichia coli. This approach can result in snowfall, liquid fall and liquid fall. In the absence of the necessary balances and organs, there was a lack of knowledge, therefore the Bayerische Landesamt für Gesundheit et Lebensmittelsicherheit.

Aldi, Lidl and Migros are committed to providing you with their products generally and ensuring the safety of your business. Hints at your kitchen hygiene are in German and in the package packaging.

Kein Grenzwert for Listerien and EHEC

Laut dem Zürcher Kantonschemiker Martin Brunner is committed to providing products of the same quality for lists or EHEC. You will also find the following Kontrollen statt. The Bundesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit erinnert jedoch daran, ass Hersteller verpflichtet sind, gesundheitsschädliche Lebensmittel sofort aus dem Verkauf zu nehmen.

Without any products, they may also contain fresh Fleischplatten on the Metzgereien können mit Erregern belastet breast. Bereits 2018 wies ein Test des Magazins Gesundheitstipp Pseudomonaden et Campylobacter in vier von zehn Proben nach.

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