
Revenge of the Wild Planet: Liberation Complete

Revenge of the Wild Planet: Liberation Complete

After the official analysis of the summer, Raccoon Logic is in this week of the release of “Revenge of the Wild Planet”. Discover the analysis of the new details and the first gameplay images.

With “Revenge of the Savage Planet” Check out Raccoon Logic’s explanation in the summer in the official articles for shit monitoring “Journey to the Wild Planet” A.

In a ausführlichen Update We bring you Raccoon Logic and more details on what’s next. Die wichtigste Frage vorweg: Do you want to erscheint der Nachfolger? As the player discovered, interested players don’t have much time to play yet. Thus is the release of “Revenge of the Wild Planet” for May 2025 announced.

Available on PC (Steam, Epic Games Store), on PS5 and on Xbox Series X/S. Neben dem Releasezeitraum nannte Raccoon Logic Details zur spielerischen Umsetzung von “Revenge of the Savage Planet” and is available under another Co-op mode.

Another Bekannter kehrt zurück

“In this new chapter, the Lieblings CEO of Kindred Aerospace, Martin Tweed, explained and at the same time the Truppen within the new Erzfeind Gunther Harrison, the CEO of Alta Interglobal,” says the Entwickler. All fans of the first episodes had the chance to discover many credible feature films, which went into “Revenge of the Wild Planet” even better and more and more fallen.

After working on their mission for the colonization of the world’s traumas, as well as role-playing and creative creations, you will find them in “Revenge of the Savage Planet” which is on a different planet. Your brecht auf, un fremde neue Länder zu erkunden et dans lebendigen Landschaft alles aufzusammeln, was son nutzen könnt, un eure Heimreise in die Wege zu leiten.

“In every intergalactic enterprise we have research on planets, creatures that have ideas and things about cover, that allow them to rush, rush and collapse during the fremde Welten period” , says Raccoon Logic. This is not your case in “Revenge of the Wild Planet” which has nothing to do with you.

It is a sequel with a cooperative game mode in the third person perspective. La Coop offers you games both online and offline. Help us understand the features of Crossplay. Another new approach lies within the Möglichkeit, the creatures of the planets zu Fangen and zähmen.

Do you want to achieve ausführliche learning?

This feature will allow you to discover the following object: “The intergalactic sample can be used with its lasso, a circle of creatures seltsamer zu fangen et zu sammeln, et sie ann besuchen, nachdem sie glücklich untergebracht in Gehegen vor eurem anpassbaren Weltraumanhänger im malerischen Nu Florida takes care of things.

The official teaser gives a first click on the gameplay. It looks like Raccoon Logic is here for this month. We will offer you a real online gameplay adventure of “Revenge of the Wild Planet”.

The Deep-Dive will take place on December 17, 2024 at 3 p.m. in our newspaper.

More information on Vengeance of the Savage Planet.

These news on the PlayStation forum are discussed

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