
Reichweite soll massiv erhöht werden ›

Reichweite soll massiv erhöht werden ›

The Bundesregierung now has the new climate handover strategy, which was first implemented for the environment with enthält climate flights. With 33 companies and more than 180 economic, living, nature and infrastructure companies in the middle of extreme temperatures such as Hitze, Starkregen and Dürre vorbereitet werden.

The year-round strategy is the federal climate protection program and the latest sich on the website of the federal ministries for welfare, nature protection, nuclear safety and social protection at within the network.

Die Ziele der Strategie decken sieben Handlungsfelder ab, darunter Stadtentwicklung, Landwirtschaft, Gesundheit et Infrastruktur. Therefore, it is the 2026 standard green light for the Hitzeschutz, which should be zugänglich gemacht et landwirtschaftliche Betriebe bis 2030 broadstandsfähiger gegen Ertragsausfälle durch climatische Veränderungen werden. Until 2030, only 80 Prozent der betroffenen Gemeinden et Landkreise eigene Klimaanpassungskonzepte vorlegen.

Warnmöglichkeiten sollen ausgebaut werden

Geplant est zudem Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Bevölkerungswarnung. Before the end of the war, you will have to wait until the end of the operation and the current situation has been resolved.

Germany has only one mix of warnings, launching the Modular Warning System (MoWaS) of the federal authorities for disaster protection and disaster relief (BBK), broadcasting channels such as radio, television, digital alarms and the integrated NINA warning app. It will be possible that when installing a mobile siren or mobile siren, the system will be broadcast via Cell Broadcast, since February 2023 a direct warning is sent by the mobile operator.

For warnings from the Reich, formulate the Bund verschiedene Unterziele. One day Warn NINA app product update will take place on December 30, 2030. The app update will cost $12 million. This plant contains a third-party information campaign that contains the latest warnings, and the application of the app is available.

Another place offers the Ausbau des Sirenennetzes federales. There are over 38,000 registered active sirens in the state.

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Entwickler: Bundesamt für Bevoelkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe

Price: Free