
Presentation of 5G and 6G: Fraunhofer HHI and its partner present the first Open-Source-5G-FR2-MIMO demonstrator

Presentation of 5G and 6G: Fraunhofer HHI and its partner present the first Open-Source-5G-FR2-MIMO demonstrator

This image in large format store (openPR) The Open-Source 5G FR2 MIMO Demonstrator serves the best test platforms available. Thanks to the installation of FR1 and FR2, the demonstrator has high operating precision, better efficiency and extensive testing. This strong schritt ermöglicht es den Forschenden, zuverlässigere Tests unter dynamischen, hochintensiven Bedingungen durchzuführen – untscheidender Faktor for reale Anwendungen wie intelligent Verkehrsmittel, bei denen autonomous Fahrzeuge präzise durch complex Umgebungen navigators müssen. Ausgestattet mit hoher Bandbreite et MIMO-Features ermöglicht der Demonstrator darüber hinaus die Erforschung von Spitzentechnologien wie Joint Communication and Sensing.

“Open source technology can be used for innovation and innovation in the telecommunication systems of the new generation,” said Professor Slawomir Stanczak, director of the study of communications and utility networks at Fraunhofer HHI and coordinator of the 6G-RIC Projects. . “This demonstrator is a complete program for the realization of 6G and the establishment of digital sovereignty. This is the global research on general planning, implementation of trouble-free communication for management, testing and recommendations.

The demonstrator brings together the project partners of the project partner: full integration of the OpenAirInterface (OAI), high-end hardware for software-defined radio (SDR), TMYTEK with state-of-the-art mmWave technology and comprehensive implementation of the Fraunhofer HHI at the Mitwirkung and globalen Mobile standards and the Entwicklung von Software for fortschrittliche 5G- and 6G-Anwendungen.

The demonstrator is intended for 5G experiments from the available GITLAB Open-Source EURECOM repository. The OpenAirInterface Alliance partners used the OAI stack and FR2 features during testing and development.

Wissenschaftliche Ansprech partner:
Matthias Mehlhose
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Such. +49 30 31002-485