
Bericht: Nations League final in Germany or Italy

Bericht: Nations League final in Germany or Italy

Do you find the final round of the Nations League in Germany? Photo: Harold Cunningham/UEFA via Getty Images/dpa

The final round of the Nations League was published in the French newspaper “Le Figaro” in Germany or Italy. A well-organized celebration, the seat of the last part of the nation’s final, will take place within the European Football Union, UEFA. The UEFA Executive Committee was officially tasked with organizing the UEFA Executive Committee on Monday.

Germany took place during the letzten race on March 20-23 in Italy. “Le Figaro” is considered the France of the South for the final tour in Germany and Italy. Die Franzosen participates in the Viertelfinale Kroatien.

The end of the Nations League will take place from June 4 to 8. The DFB finally managed to qualify for the semi-finals, in Munich and Stuttgart as Reich candidates at the Austragung du Spiele level. Germany is not one of the three warehouses of wet beers that do not reach the end.