
Carnival in Werne: tickets for the party at the Rosenmontag at the Vorverkauf

Carnival in Werne: tickets for the party at the Rosenmontag at the Vorverkauf

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The Ticketverkauf für die Rosenmontagsparty in Werne is managed (Archivbild). © Jörg Heckenkamp

The party at the Rosenmontag is one of the highlights of the Werne carnival. You can purchase tickets for the event in March online.

Werne – The carnival session takes place in Werne across the Ganges – the market is also there when clicking on the event: so you should get tickets for the big Rosenmontags-Party in the Kolpingsaal hall. Die soll laut Eventim am 3. March at 3 p.m. Tickets cost 12.34 euros and can be purchased at a reduced price.

The party at the Rosenmontag is just one of the highlights, the people in Werne zu bieten haben. During the high season of the session, on January 25, the events will take place at the Kolpingsaal in search. Tickets are delivered to the Beckmann store and cost 20 euros. For 15 euros, a card is offered for the café à café on February 15.

Old Program am Wochenende

Am Karnevalswochenende selbst dürfen natürliche auch keine Veranstaltungen fehlen – and also so that it is the Vorverkauf bei Bücher Beckmann bereits gestartet. A ticket for the Weiberfastnachtsitzung evening on February 27 costs 20 euros. For the Kinderkarnevalsparty on February 2, children will receive 5 euros and children 1 euro.

But also for Carnival fans, they are not in the pocket but are naturally programmed: the traditional Rosenmontagszug should not be used in this session. It started on March 3 at 2:11 p.m. and will end at the Werne Inn.

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