
Crossplay, Koop and Gruppe picture published

Crossplay, Koop and Gruppe picture published

7 Days to Die V1.0 is live and their version is very safe, it was also that. Is Crossplay the easiest and maybe I can play with friends (Koop)? If your new and this is not your case, like your group image, an einander on the map to see and what quests allow you to do? Here are all the answers.

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Updated 11.12.2025

On 10.12.2024, Funpimps released an update which is the simplest, on all platforms coming in Crossplay games. In the patch notes you will find your idea, this one is on the controller and could be longer until the update is available. A real era of time is not addressed. So activate your Crossplay:

  • Wählt im Hauptmenü “Einstellungen”.
  • Geht auf “Allgemein”.
  • See “Crossplay in Multiplayer” on “One”.

Detailed article from 07.23.2024

Is that in 7 Days to Die Crossplay möglich?

Official 7 Days to Die V1.0 release notes are provided, Crossplay in the release is not available, items are tied to an existing plant. We offer you one click on the detailed roadmap (see the image below), then you will see the small information available for crossplay for the old Quartal 2024 a vegetable plant. Hinweis inclusive auf mögliche Verschiebungen.

This version of 7 Days to Die Roadmap V1.0 is available with Crossplay. Below the picture contains text (© Fun Pimps, Bearing GIGA)
“Overhauled Weather System and Biome Progression, Warderobe System, Crossplay/Random Gen for Consoles, Plus: Additional Zombie Stages, Spawn Near Friend, Twitch Drops, DLC Outfits, and Much More Planned.” (Quelle: 7- Days-to-Die -Roadmap)

It turned out that in the fourth quarter of 2024 we presented the themes: Überarbeitung des Wettersystems et des Biom-Fortschritts, Kleiderschrank-System, Crossplay for all consoles without generation interruption (but not for PC), new Zombie-Stufen, Spawnen in der Nähe friends, Twitch-Drops, Outfit-DLC and more.

How can I be friends with friends to play?

If you have European friends who play, then you will have to act on the simplest nut gaming platforms. Erstellt hierfür euer Spiel or wählt ein bereits erstelltes. Wichtig dabei ist, die Einstellungen from “offline” to “online” zu setzen, falls ihr das noch nicht getan habt. This is also the closest image (see next image).

If you want to play 7 Days to Die with friends, you need to have your world and these items on the “online” items. (© Screenshot and Bearbeitung GIGA)

Habt ihr das gemacht, ann könnt ihr eure Region, die Sichtbarkeit eures Servers im Server-Browser (Server-Port) et la maximum Spieleranzahl, die teilnehmen kann (maximal 4), einstellen. Außerdem könnt ihr a password already usedwhen I’m Koop under each of them. So, I’m going to play in a game that doesn’t go as planned.

On the other hand, the pages of the instructions are not included in the optional instructions. I invite you to see the show Friendly fire activities (Spieler töten) or den Bereich zum Teilen von Kills anpassen. Dadurch is waiting for you on the map to help you find and follow the stages of development of murders, from your friends.

But this is not the case, I advise you to repeat the multiplayer steps to follow. Einige sind für den Koop sehr wichtig. (© Screenshot and Bearbeitung GIGA)

Start with the Anschluss of the game. Then in your European country you will be able to help you choose the taste options and click on your game to play it. I see you sleeping a week later – “Freunde einladen”. Click on it and wählt den Freund aus eurer Liste ausyour person will be charged.

Die Download from QR-Code ergibt für un momentan wenig Sinn. We used the first relevant option when crossplay in 7 Days to Die V1.0 was created. So or so, there is nothing to do, a friend of the password has mitzuteilen, sofern ihr es angelegt habt.

Friends on the map and quest details

There was a friend of the game that was prepared, and that’s when each of them is created. The method, among friends, is already available with the Crossplay update. So or so, you must have a group image, another on the map to see and quests together.

Öffnet den Reiter “Spieler” en l’eurem menu. Here is your list of games that are in your current world. In space “Group” and “Verbündete” are included in Plus-Zichen. Click near there to find a gem and a friend from the European group. Anschließend könnt ihr einander auf der Karte sehen.

Click on the More pages in this menu to have a friend in the group explain and offer services. (Bildquelle and Bearbeitung: GIGA screenshot)

Party loading offers all possible functionality, when another player is integrated and loading is canceled, but it is also displayed in the menu on the short click. Verbündeten images must all be analyzed by all players to be able to do this, especially since Verbündete geltet. Nur dann wird Das Teilen der Quest mit allen Verbündeten funktionieren.

The Grusel-Quiz: Did you find these horror games and your screenshot?

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