
Chinese Hersteller found in Sterne

Chinese Hersteller found in Sterne

During the last months of Euro NCAP, the most effective safety tests for 2024 were carried out. Im Fokus stehen 15 Autos verschiedener Klassen, darunter mehrere mit Spannung erwartete Elektroautos. Models like the Renault 5 and the sporty Alpine A290 variant, as well as SUVs like the futuristic Hyundai Santa Fe and the electric Porsche Macan were tested. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Sicherheit in allen Segmenten an Bedeutung gewonnen hat. Überrascht haben E-Autos en Chine.

A highlight of the tests is the first electric pick-up truck on the European market: the Maxus eTerron 9. Pick-up trucks often have high safety images and massive sales with a negative safety image. The eTerron 9 has been surpassed. Laut Euro NCAP est une solution auf andere Verkehrsteilnehmer weniger aggressivev als erwartet. Zudem schnitt er gut im Fußgängerschutz ab und erreichte insgesamt fünf Sterne. Damit zeigt Maxus, dass Pick-ups also in puncto Sicherheit überzeugen können.

I am a small Renault vehicle segment with the new Renault 5 electric car and a sporty Alpine A290 variant of a new interpreted classic. Während das Design nostalgische Elemente aufgreift, hinken beide Modelle beim Insassenschutz behind. Sie erreichten vier Sterne. It is therefore an interesting option for complete fans of electric vehicles.

For dealers: City cars with SUV characters offer considerable advantages in recent years. The Lexus LBX, Volvo EX30 and Mini Countryman are there with great stars. The MG ZS Hybrid has been sold ab and sold for a long time. The Volvo EX30 lives up to its minimalist standards and safety standards.

I’m looking for compact SUVs that deal with two Chinese newcomers: the Deepal S07 and the Leapmotor C10. Beide erzielten ebenfalls die Höchstwertung von fünf Sternen. The Leapmotor C10, which has only one variant, is still safe for market priority. The Deepal S07 is immersed in environmental protection and will be available in a new registration. Beide Modelle demonstrates the potential of the Chinese market on the European market.

Larger SUVs were tested, driving the electric Porsche Macan, Hyundai Santa Fe and Mazda CX-80. The Porsche Macan features a Premium design with safety tools and optimal performance. The Hyundai Santa Fe is ready to come into contact with the other or fünf Sterne. The Mazda CX-80, the brand’s new Flaggschiff, is able to guarantee the safety and quality of Mazda’s investments. Another model tested is the Audi A5, the A4 ablöst. Mit einem new Namenskonzept für Verbrenner- und Elektromodelle bleibt Audi seiner Sicherheitsphilosophie treu. The A5 is both stable and stable, and the safety is also in the middle class that is not available.

Diesebnisse verdeutlichen den Fortschritt, den Autohersteller trotz zahlreicher Herausforderungen gemacht haben. Mit verbesserten Technologien and einem Fokus auf den Schutz all Verkehrsteilnehmer setzen viele Marken neue Maßstäbe.

Quelle: Forococheselectricos – There are no excuses, the electric cars are so safe in the EuroNCAP / Euro NCAP test – Euro NCAP unveils the safest cars of the season