
So, it is not our partner of the Swiss Filmförderung.

So, it is not our partner of the Swiss Filmförderung.

One study was recognized as the best thing to say: Wird die öffentliche Förderung nicht grundlegend umgebaut, bleibt der Schweizer Film noch long si incredible. Erfolg haben jene, die auf eigene Faust arbeiten.

“Tschugger” by and with David Constantin (oben) is both a Kult man and the absolute Ausnahme in the Swiss series.

Dominique Steinmann / SRF

Should we pass, by the name of “Schweizer Film” before the publication of the Gähnreflex plus auslösen, sondern Neugierde? Viel. This Schluss kommt die Studie, die das Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK) external to Auftrag gab. Zurückgekommen sind schlechte Noten. Die jährlich etwa 80 Millionen Franken von Bund und Kantonen fliessen in “Förderung am Bedarf vorbei”.

The most notable studies were so well in cinema, as in politics, that years later they were discussed, without the same film having taken place: the cinema audience must have a basic legend, when the Swiss film ended up being more public. Erfolge like “Heidi”, “Platzspitzbaby” or “Bon Schuur Ticino” and Ausnahmen.

“Platzspitzbaby” by Pierre Monnard takes care of Ausnahmeerfolgen and hiesigen Kinokassen.

Ascot Elite

Was the läuft fake? Dies sind zentrale Erkenntnisse der Studie: Die öffentliche Förderung is not more zeitgemäss, weil sie zu sehr auf Kinofilme fokussiert. Series and games play a small role or are not included. The Förderung is oriented towards administrative regulation as well as the regulation of publications. That said, the leadership of Switzerland’s domestic administration is becoming a downfall internationally. Die Folge davon ist a wenig anpassungsfähiges System. Das gerechnet in einer Zeit, wo sich das Filmgeschäft in rasantem Wandel befindet.

Better creativity

However, the content of the film does not vary. But from 80 to 90 years, twice later, there is a documentary film? Das sei zu viel, then die Studie. Therefore, they can be distributed in the United States and in Europe. Weil die Fördersumme mit dem Giesskännchen vertilt wird, bleibt pro einzelnes Projekt ausserdem zu wenig Geld. In Denmark there was a new film released last year, which hit the market at 30 percent. Golden dasselbe for Belgium, one of the two countries of the Vergleichsland, das die Studie heranzog. In Switzerland, the market is located in the 5 percent seat. There is a single cinema ticket in Switzerland with 47 euros, therefore subsidized as in neighboring countries, therefore studies.

Do you know what BAK is about? Before having fun. The man discusses the studies with the industry, and therefore the media, and performs at the Solothurn cinema screenings in January “Eckwerte präsentieren” and then “les langfristigen Handlungsempfehlungen aufbereiten”. It is also dauern, bis etwas geschieht. Was Aber? The most interesting studies have been taking place in the industry for years against controversies: the company is a national film institute, like the best states in Europe. You can also use the appropriate instructions.

Wahrscheinlicher als si viel Radikalität dürfte ein Kompromiss sein et daher vieles beim Alten bleiben. The Verband Filmregie und Drehbuch Schweiz (ARF) takes care of the study of studies with the means of production or production and sets an intention model in the regions of the region, the culture of the Vielfalt and the federal foundations of the Switzerland which are not accessible.

The federal promotion is also deeper with the creativity verträgt, sieht man daran, dass immer wieder jene Filme zu den interessantsen gehören, the vom BAK kaum oder gar nicht gefördert wurden. Or international productions or streaming companies have committed to doing so. «Tschugger» etwa würde es so nicht geben, hätte die Produktions Firma Shining Film in Sky was not financed by a partner. Privates Geld wiederum est selten im Schweizer Film. A group is if the Anreize fehlenden steuerlichen, die es in zahllosen anderen Ländern gibt. There’s also the film in the series financed as “Friedas Fall,” Maria Brendle’s ultimate drama, in theaters in January.

“Friedas Fall” by Maria Brendle was published in a St. Gallen book on April 20.


Manche Creative Scheinen die Geduld mit dem Fördersystem zu verlieren. Gerade haben sich fünf Produktionsfirmen zur Swiss Studios AG zusammengeschlossen. Global and international production companies are at work for cinema or cinema. And “les möglichkeiten nützen, die sich aus der Lex Netflix ergeben”, as well as Geschäftsführer Malte Probst.

The new film is looking for streaming companies to 4 percent of their own Swiss investigative films and series. But then? The Filmgeschäft in Switzerland is so small that orientation is difficult. They shut down the “one-handed all” company Swiss Studios AG. We have succeeded in creating Hollywood studios, producing them to scale and bringing them to your home. Damit will be the man of a “an Ansprechpartner sein für investitionspflichtige Unternehmen und interessierte Produktionsfirmen”, thus Probst.

So, do the managers of Swiss Studios AG have this development model with the Konzept Filminstitut and their intentions?

Basel will be more Vielfalt

This is how the industry faces monetary problems and more frequent problems, while other or better problems exist. Genau darum geht es zurzeit à Basel. Nicht im Bereich Film, sondern bei der Musik.

The music initiative was crowned with success by the city of Basel with its 90 percent budgetary budget, with the orchestra and classical music institutions taking over the regulation of the vielfalt vorschreibt. You need to learn a piece of the gel and free music techniques to create styles. Fabian Gisler from the initiative committee said: “We have more things to do, but the machine does not belong to us. Uns geht es darum, dass zwischen Institutionen, Politik, Freischaffenden et Bevölkerung eine Diskussion darüber entsteht, was heutzutage gefördert werden soll.”

This initiative is now widely used. For the Nein-Komitee, as well as the Institutions, there is not a single Geld-, it is a single Machtverlust. While the BAK and the cantonal agencies are faced with borders, they are one day tatsächlich at the Gründung eines Filminstituts.

Denmark first worked on a big Vorbild, then the Filmzentrum finished the last years of mass production: production budgets were cut and gelders for the Drehbuchförderung verdreifacht. Sich Erfolg abzeichnete, stockte der Staat die gesamten Fördermittel ums Dreifache auf.

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