
Angelika Henkel (Page 6) | – Nachrichten

Angelika Henkel (Page 6) | – Nachrichten

Angelika Henkel is the editor-in-chief of the national policy editorial office of the NDR in Lower Saxony and also works at the action as an investigator. Their themes are those of domestic politics and justice – which are the forces of order and which are found in the year. Als Reporterin liebt sie es, immer more dazuzulernen, Acten zu lise und Menschen zu treffen.

Angelika Henkel has studied and worked with the Geschichtswissenschaft and Jura since 2004 at the NDR, which she voluntarily headed. Research into the federal police region took place in 2015 at the Bremer Fernsehpreis. 2012 had the theme of the Tagesthemen for its status of the terrorist organization NSU ausgezeichnet.

More information

If you have information about a Brisanten project, you will be in contact with the Lower Saxony Smelter investigation team. Yesterday it happened, we saw it. more