
Anna Maria Rożek testet Chrome Warsaw – Backpack with person

Anna Maria Rożek testet Chrome Warsaw – Backpack with person

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Chrome Industries has a versatile backpack with the Warsaw 30L Pack in the market, men who love urban activities believe it.

And there is such a rich person: Anna Maria Rożek, polnische Anwältin, Influencerin and ehemalige Politikerin, who the model got – and the ausgerechnet in Warsaw, also in the city, gave the backpack in her name.

Ihre Eindrücke zu dem Product: durchweg positiv.

Warsaw to Warsaw

Also read all of Anna Maria Rożek’s articles.

“I have to do it, as I said – Warsaw, as my historical city,” said Anna Maria Rożek.

He said: “The backpack really has the potential, a treuer Begleiter für alle zu sein, die in der Stadt unterwegs sind. »

Trifft features in Stil

The Warsaw 30L Pack comes with a volume of 30 liters located near the label. Practical instructions: when using the Laptop-Fach, the device is up to 16 years old.

“I am, dass Chrome bei der Entwicklung sowohl an Radfahrer als auch an Pendler gedacht hat. The backpack is robust and practical, without having to be bulky, ”explains Anna Maria Rożek.

In your testing phase you will find all the elements of life: the backpack is as good as the necessary nuts – ideal for everyday work and leisure. The black and sage colors (only one green) have two options for a different style.


With a price between 150,- Euro and 185,- Euro, I nach Farbe, pendelt sich de Warsaw 30L Pack hochwertig ein, bietet jedoch eine tolle Verarbeitung et durchdachte Features.

„For a backpack, der so gut verarbeitet ist, zahlt man gerne etwas more. Thank you, when it’s so difficult to do,” said the influencer.

A personal favorite

“For me, the Warsaw pack is more than a backpack – it is due to the name and connection to my historic city and was personal,” he tells me.

The product is a completely all-rounder, sowohl for Pendler as well as for the Freizeitabenteurer an investigation was – and it is not yet in Warsaw…

Are you interested in finding the backpack and more product information in the Chrome Industries online store.

Disclaimer: Die hier abgebildeten Produkte wurden unsschließlich zum redaktionellen Testen zur Verfügung gestellt.

Advertising / Sierks Media / Photos: Sierks Media (4), Chrome Industries (2)