
Katy Perry: I’m going for a Dark-Glamour look in London

Katy Perry: I’m going for a Dark-Glamour look in London

Katy Perry
Sängerin streift im knappen Dark-Glamour-Look by London

Katy Perry is at Mittwoch in London.

© Timmie and Ricky / BACKGROUND

Dunkle Lippen, un minikleid aus Fell et viel Haut: Katy Perry’s war in London is taking place and presented in an unusual look.

During work, Katy Perry (40) took part in her night shift for her new concert special ‘Night of a Lifetime’ at Central Hall Westminster, a Christmas festival in London. In December (December 11), the Sängerin looked aussergewöhnlichen in the British Hauptstadt in photos and styled the Dark-Glamour look in her life.

Knappes Minikleid im winterlichen London

Trotz Winterlicher Temperaturen trug Perry un knappes One-Shoulder-Minidress mit Cut-outs an der Taille. The burgundy-colored art dress with black brooch applications from Kim Shui combines the bracelet with dark-colored mules from D’Accori and a black microphone pouch. I have a long time of 40-year-old clothes and offen sowie mit einem Mikropony. With eyeliner and a Beerenton dunklen, they make the Dark-Glamour look perfect.

The 90-minute concert special “Katy Perry: Night of a Lifetime” will be broadcast by ITV. The British television broadcaster found an “Ereignis energizer”, among Katy Perry’s legendary hits, such as “Firework”, “Roar” or “I Kissed a Girl”, which were broadcast. It’s September 2024 and I want to die Sängerin nach un vierjährigen Auszeit ihr musikalisches Comeback mit dem Album “143” gefeiert.
