
Wertpapier Profil Open-End Turbo-Optionsschein auf EUR/USD (Vontobel) WKN VC7W69 ISIN DE000VC7W696 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpapier Profil Open-End Turbo-Optionsschein auf EUR/USD (Vontobel) WKN VC7W69 ISIN DE000VC7W696 Chart Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Lauda-Königshofen ( – Maciej Gaj from “” is actively selling an Open End Turbo Short (ISIN DE000VC7W696 / WKN VC7W69) by Vontobel auf das Währungspaar EUR/ USD (ISIN EU0009652759) / WKN 965275 ) vor.

After the European Central Bank EZB of Leitzins was established, it is within the framework of the Euro exchange with the US dollar (EUR/USD) for a small stock price, so that I am climbing the ladder for new trends. A reverse SKS training is felt by the abschläge of the letzten Stunden sichtlich in Gefahr geraten.

There is a double of a US dollar of 1.12 at the end of September which stops for the EUR/USD price in a downtrend. It follows that an amount of 1.0760 US dollars was generated, then the horizontal market will amount to 1.0364 US dollars in 2022 later. Dort habe sich la Paar zwar kurzzeitig gefangen et auf rund 1.06 US-Dollar zugelegt, ber die Abschläge der letzten Tage könnten aine Hoffnungsvolle SKS-Formation Negieren et dadurch einen Neuerlichen Test der Novembretiefs erzwingen.

Aktuell befinde sich die rechte Schulter der SKS-Formation aus Anfang December in einem ausgiebigen Test. While this support is available for the most recent periods, there should be a fairly strong gap between EUR/USD at 1.0424 and 1.0331 in US dollar terms for a plant. The price of the SKS-Formation is 1.06 US-Dollar in the Fokus Geraten. First, there was a new upward trend, and the Kurdish Anschluss potential reached 1,0723 US dollars.

The short analysis of short positions could occur for the EUR/USD price below 1.0460 US dollars. The price can reach 1.0331 US dollars. With one of the Open End Turbo Short certificates, this certificate is available for 85 percent duration. The amount of winnings is 3.00 euros allowed, a change is possible with a bruch of the current supports to a level of 1.0495 US dollars, but this is not yet the case. Im Schein würde sich hierdurch a pasender Stopp-Kurs von 1.44 Euro ergeben. While a horizon of horizon is in a place where one is in the last years, an entsprechend engmaschige Beobachtung sollte deshalb nicht ausbleiben. (13.12.2024/oc/a/w)

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