
Leistung and Luxus in SUV format

Leistung and Luxus in SUV format

Since 2017, on the market and more and more in price, the F-Pace has been designed for three years for a facelift and a new, more elegant look has been revealed. The smallest, but only analog of the F-Type Sport Coupé, have all the guarantees and allow the SUV to use optics with dominant dynamics. While SVR is lately, independently of the Brite and the Front Dicke Nüstern and auf der Haube Kiemendeckel for the free Atmen. However, there is no difference in the speed of the aerodynamics. Denn der F-Pace erhält dadurch weniger Auftrieb et bleibt sattter on the asphalt. The SVR logos on the front and I know that the highest dimensions are offered for the price set for the motorization of the cars.

Im Inneren des Topmodells erwartet die Insassen ein Potpourri aus Leder, Velours anderen edlen Materialien – allesamt gekonnt combiniert et akurat verarbeitet. Allein der olfaktorische Auftritt beim Einstieg unterstreicht die Zugehörigkeit zur Oberliga in dieser Fahrzeugklasse. It is therefore a universal modernization of technology, thanks to which the on-board system is well known, the documentation center does not have a more complete answer and all the answer is intuitive and can be easily accessed.


The smartest thing about this SUV is the one that’s on the road, of which there is a V8 with the best possible hub, which is designed to be powered by a powerful compressor. First, this vehicle was designed for the Jaguar F-Pace SVR from 550 to over 575 hp and a maximum of 700 Newtonmeters dropped under the Kurbelwelle, before giving the best of this 8-gang automatic transmission system for all drivers. Mittels Launch Control catapults dieses über 2.1 Tonnen Leergewicht mitbringende SUV in glatt vier Sekunden aus dem Stand auf Tempo 100 et bei 286 km/h ist Schluss mit Vortrieb. This is how the Sportwagenfahrer blass vor Neid.

Dank un ausgeklügelten Fahrwerk zieht das SUV selbst bei cesen Geschwindigkeiten unerschütterlich en einer stoischen Ruhe seine Bahnen. The F-Pace can also be fitted with SVR, which is also in the Zurückhaltender Art im Comfort-Modus wie ein Gran Turismo self-service Kilometerstrecken fahren, ohne angelstrengt oder gestresst anzukommen. Dabei bleibt er aber jederzeit wach et reagiert mit der Reaktionszeit einer Raubkatze auf etwaige Anspornbefehle mittels Gaspedals. At the end of the year, you can read the text, read the text and write it down, but also write it down and write it in the Bilderbuch-Liaison. All the past best zusammen et vermittelt ein himmlisches et zugleich sehr sicheres Fahrgefühl. Ob mit eruptivem Leistungsausbruch im Dynamic-Modus, untermalt mit brullendem V8-Sound aus den geöffneten Klappen der vierflutigen Abgasanlage or zurückhaltendem Bollern beim Mitschwimmen im Verkehr – the Characteristic of this Autos ist breit gefächert.

Yes, Verbrauch is what does not mean that a car is used. There are even more things to do here on the transport vehicles, and the Kraft is not in contact with the old fuel in the relationship, but it must be our partner auf sparrunde with the defensive vehicle. The maximum weight of the vehicle is 8.2 liters at 100 kilometers. Sure, the SVR is close to the position, but it has to have both strengths. A schnitt im Alltagsgebrauch von 12.3 Liter auf 100 Kilometer includes one or other hard wars of Überholvorg organizations for zehn Jahren in these allerdings of the Leistungsklasse class so they should not be found.

While the SVR gives the F-Pace an opulent finish, it’s so instinctive that it doesn’t feel right. 22 inches, the wonderful Windsor-Velvet leather upholstery, a Black Pack, by chrome sequins and matte aluminum in black Details obtained, complete seat with 14 electrical modules including seat memory included, Meridian audio system and system audio Meridian Voll-LED-Scheinwerfer. Dazu kommen rund ein Dutzend Assistenzsysteme, the adaptive Fahrwerk mit more Fahrmodi and lifeles more. All of these include prices of 117,600 Euros; This costs 52,000 euros more than the Einstiegs model of the F-Pace sold. But it’s even more. The British Racing Green of the test vehicles generates a purchase price of 9,500 euros and a comfort package for a vehicle of 1,900 euros brings climate conditions plus climate protection and climate grip in the SUV. Pixel-LED-Scheinwerfer mit Matrix-Funktion costs more than 1,500 euros and is therefore more expensive, it will ultimately cost 140,000 euros for reception.

Fazit: A Guarantee for Travel and Leistung

Wir möchten einem sovereigns und überaus beeindruckenden Motor unseren Respekt zollen. Then it’s a no-brainer, this V8 doesn’t need fans to be turned on. Man must ihn erlebt haben, um dies zu verstehen. This is a guarantee for transportation and accommodation, as well as safety and security. A world prize is not won, but it is also necessary that there are no spare parts that were originally used, so often like a Corolla or a Golf on our street to find articles . Dennoch schließt Jaguar das V8-Capitel et allein deshalb ist es noch einmal ein Genuss, so ain Fahrzeug mit allen Sinnen erleben zu können.

The F-Pace is a universal purchase right, which must be taken into account in the right to the Premium SUV, and it is a definitive use that is. Auch, ou insbesondere als letzter SVR et vergehende Speerspitze einer waschechten Raubkatze.

Technical dates:

Model: Jaguar F-Pace SVR 575 Edition

Engine: 5.0 liter-V8-Ottomotor with supercharger

Power: 423 kW / 575 hp

Speed: 700 Nm

High wind speed: 286 km/h

Overtaking 0-100 km/h: 4.0 sec

Speed ​​(according to WLTP): 12.0 l/100 km

CO2-Ausstoß (according to WLTP): 274 g/km

Schadstoff class: Euro 6th

Kofferraum: 470 to 1428 liters

Base price: 117,250 Euro

Test vehicle price: approx. 133,000 euros

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