
Here are the best Meta Decks + Tier-List (December 2024)

Here are the best Meta Decks + Tier-List (December 2024)

This will allow you to exploit the best decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket.

Neben dem Sammeln steht bei Pokémon TCG Pocket der Kampf im Vordergrund. Damit ihr the Matches gegen andere Spieler*innen or the CPU gewinnt, braucht ihr möglichst starke Decks (mit 20 Karten). We have the same current tier list with the best decks and meta created.

Here is our deck tier list in Pokémon TCG Pocket

  • Level S
  • Level A
    • Glurak EX and Lavados EX
    • Bisaflor EX and Kokowei EX
    • Dragoran
  • Level B
    • Bisaflor EX and Kokowei EX
    • Rasaff & Knogga EX
    • 18 Training Deck
    • Arbok and Tauboss
    • Pyro
  • Level C
    • Knuddeluff EX and smogmog
    • Gengar EX
    • Arkani EX and Lavados EX
    • Knuddeluff EX and Quajutsu

The Tier-List includes Decks in category S in C eingeteilt. Während Kartendecks sous S zu den Besten zählen, nimmt die Bewertung mit jeder Categorygorie ab. The most schlechtesten decks are daher under C zu finden. Golden Damit: S > A > B > C

How does this Tier List exist? We have more options, thanks to community platforms like Reddit, pages like Pokémon-Zone or Game8, as well as our own experience with simple tasks.

Updated December 13, 2024: This is a new event during your first PvP siege. We’ll send you a clean article on the decks with your event for an easy way.


Pokémon TCG Pocket Hat is an end and a means to bring this card to your TGC Live.

Sind die Decks si en Stein gemeißelt? You can of course manage the configuration of the decks yourself and make them work in the support-karten so that the non-visible cards, such as the Pokéball or the teacher training, are your first time.

There are a maximum of 8-10 Pokémon in the Deck and when these evolutions are created, there is no base monster in the Deck.

These are the S-Tier decks with your stars and shoulders

Pikachu EX

With Pikachu and Zapdos can make you live a difficult life.

This map tells you:

  • 2x Pikachu EX
  • 2x Zapdos EX
  • 2x Elezeba
  • 2x Zebritz
  • 2x Forschung of the Professors
  • 2x Pokéball
  • 2x X-Initiative
  • 2x Trank
  • 2x Sabrine
  • 1x Giovanni
  • 1x Rote Karte (or another Giovanni)


  • See simple setup.
  • I am ready to install the Gegners thanks to the Zebritz schwächen.
  • This is a Schadens schnellen output every time you run it.


  • Zapdos EX is a black product for the electro-angriffe.
  • EX-Pokémon have a KP in another EX-Card.

Mewtu EX & Gardevoir

Ist Mewtu einmal richtig aufgebaut, ist die Karte ank Guardevoir unschlagbar.

This map tells you:

  • 2x Mewtu EX
  • 2x Trasla
  • 2x Kirlia
  • 2x Gardevoir
  • 2x Forschung of the Professors
  • 2x Pokéball
  • 2x X-Initiative
  • 2x Trank
  • 2x Sabrine
  • 1x Giovanni
  • 1x Rote Karte (or another Giovanni or Rossana)


  • Sobald Guardevoir im Hintergrund aufgebaut ist, könnt ihr jede Runde mit Mewtu angreifen.
  • Now you don’t have to wait until the rear ends stop.
  • A simple strategy, when you do it, it’s very clear.


  • Guardevoir must be within, um das Deck mit voller Kraft spielen zu können.
  • This is a strategy that makes the game effective.

Starmie EX and Arktos EX

Starmie and Arktos can face old schnell asiegen Decks.

This map tells you:

  • 2x Sterdu
  • 2x Starmie EX
  • 2x Arktos EX
  • 2x Mauzi (for a more precise map)
  • 2x Forschung of the Professors
  • 2x Pokéball
  • 1x X-Initiative
  • 2x Trank
  • 2x foggy
  • 2x Sabrine
  • 1x Giovanni (or a rotating card)


  • Starmie hat sehr schnell einen starken Angriff.
  • You have an X-Initiative slot machine thanks to the Starmie EX free download.
  • Arktos can last Misty sehr schnell viel Schaden anrichten.


  • Black electric, has been active in Pikachu EX often times.
  • Das Deck setzt komplett sur seltene Karten.
  • Schnelles Setup can last a little longer.

All decks in the Tier List in the web page

I am now at your disposal, as are your remaining decks in the Tier List now. This means that there is no risk of damage during the einzelnen Karten.

Gold-plated, the deck is möglichst aus wenig Energie-Typen bestehen sollte. They will allow you to discover many exciting Pokémon with long evolution maps, a final configuration of each year so that you can get there as easily as possible.

This means that A-Tier decks

  • Glurak EX and Lavados EX: 2x Glumanda, 2x Glutexo, 2x Glurak EX, 2x Lavados EX, 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 2x Sabrina, 1x Giovanni, 1x Rote Karte (or another Giovanni or a Mauzi)
  • Bisaflor EX and Kokowei EX : 2x Bisasam, 2x Bisaknosp, 2x Bisaflor EX, 2x Owei, 2x Kokowei EX, 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Erika, 2x Sabrina (or 2x Trank)
  • Dragoran (benötigt Wasser und Elektro-Energie): 2x Dratini, 2x Dragonir, 2x Dragoran, 2x Pummeluff (Promo-Variant), 2x Knuddeluff EX (also lasted 2x Kangama ersetzt werden), 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 2x Initiative, 2x Rank, 2x Sabrina

These are the B-Tier decks

  • Lapras EX and Starmie EX: 2x Sterndu, 2x Starmie EX, 2x Lapras EX, 2x Mauzi, 2x Professors Forschung, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 2x Misty, 2x Sabrina
  • Rasaff & Knogga EX: 2x Menki (Promo-Variant), 2x Rasaff, 2x Tragosso, 2x Knogga EX, 2x Professors Forschung, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 1x Rote Karte, 2x Sabrina, 1x Giovanni
  • 18 Training Deck: 2x Arktos EX (or 2x Zapdos EX), 2x Fossil (equal), 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 2x Rote Karte, 2x Sabrina, 2x Giovanni, 2x Misty (with Arktos ) , 2x believe more trainer cards (when Zapdos)
  • Arbok and Tauboss: 2x Rettan, 2x Arbok, 1x Taubsi, 1x Tauboga, 1x Tauboss, 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 2x Sabrina, 2x Giovanni, 1x Rote Karte
  • Pyro: 2x Vulpix, 2x Vulnona, 2x Magma, 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Pyro, 2x Sabrina (or 2x Trank)

This means that C-Tier decks

  • Knuddeluff EX and smogmog: 2x Pummeluff (Promo-Variant), 2x Knuddeluff EX, 2x Smogon, 2x Smogmog, 2x Koga, 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 1x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 1x Giovanni, 2x Sabrina
  • Gengar EX: 2x Nebulak, 2x Apollo, 2x Gengar EX, 2x Trauma, 2x Hypno, 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 2x Sabrina
  • Arkani EX and Lavados EX: 2x Fukano, 2x Arkani EX, 2x Lavados EX, 2x Forschung des Professors, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 2x Giovanni, 2x Sabrina, 2x Rote Karte
  • Knuddeluff EX and Quajutsu: 2x Pummeluff (Promo-Variant), 2x Knuddeluff EX, 2x Froxy, 2x Amphizel, 2x Quajutsu (equal to normal or Promo), 2x Professors’ Forschung, 2x Pokéball, 2x X-Initiative, 2x Trank, 2x Sabrina

That’s why you have the best Decks at your disposal with your card in Pokémon TCG Pocket. We invite you to share your decks and other Pokémon ideas. After that, the List will be added to the list, we will have a new card on the game list.

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