
Österreich is found in WM quality in Romania and Bosnia

Österreich is found in WM quality in Romania and Bosnia

The Austrian national team is able to fight for qualification for the 2026 World Cup. The Zurich team has the Rot-weiß-Rot am Freitag Duelle mit Rumänien et Bosnien beschert. Außerdem trifft der ÖFB in der Gruppe H auf Zypern et San Marino.

The Marschroute is clear: the ÖFB team will participate in the 2026 World Cup.
GEPA photos

The Austrian national team is involved with the WM-Quali group, a Machbare group. It is therefore the Elf of team leader Ralf Rangnick in Romania and Bosnia. Ebenfalls in Österreichs Gruppe H between Zypern and San Marino. When you visit the Freitag in Zurich, the rot-white Auswahl aus Topf 1 gezogen wurde et dadurch großen Gegnern like Spain, France or Germany aus dem Weg gehen konnte.

The group will repair zur WM, the second time will be present in a Play-off with two Ko-Runden, which will take place in March 2026 during the Bühne geht. The Startplatz for these ÖFB Play-offs makes it possible to quickly secure the Nations League. Please note that the name of the Rangnick-Elf is due to the fact that WM 1998 is the direct result of the end of your qualification. The chance to have a project so big that his life never happened.

Sports director Peter Schöttel asked the football group to participate in the new “Straffen” game plans. The expert groups meet for three times in the final of three games of chance in the grass 2025 in their inbox. Neben Schöttel wages war on the ÖFB in Zurich through team leader Ralf Rangnick, Geschäftsführer Bernhard Neuhold and press influencer Christian Wiesmayr.