
Nothing Phone (1) will fall into open beta with Android 15 version

Nothing Phone (1) will fall into open beta with Android 15 version

Android 15 is the first smartphone to be released with the technology. Nothing has already started, based on Android 15, the Nothing operating system has been updated – Nothing OS 3.0. For the Nothing Phone (2), the Phone (2a) may have an offended beta version of Nothing OS 3.0 (Android 15) and – stable versions are still in place in the following months. Im Rahmen der Roadmap hat man bereits verlauten lassen, dass das Phone (1) sowie das Phone (2a) Plus im December folgen. Even for Nothing Phone (1), the open beta is based on Android 15 and is available now.

Die Nothing Gallery comes with comprehensive updates and new KI management features, such as automatically updating categories and implementing backgrounds.

The Sperrbildschirm includes a complete compilation with better nut options, better usage options and an additional widget. I am in a new setup menus setup with nut items for your preparations and automatic cooking for tasting.

A smart feature named Smart Drawer pulls out apps with smart intelligence and contextually relevant apps.

With the new countdown widget, you will be able to read the newspaper and stay interested in Blick. The best version of Nothing OS 3.0 with shared widgets. When the weather changes, you will receive information about weather conditions and weather conditions and will not respond to them.

The typography was designed within the system, and the reading was carried out. While the design element features were created by the new Dot Engine, the management system created animated dot elements for the visual combination.

If you are at that time, you may be able to make use of it – with risks and opportunities of its own – the new Android version falls easily on the loaded Nothing Phone (1).

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