
Commitment of Italians for den Frieden im Nahen Osten

Commitment of Italians for den Frieden im Nahen Osten

The Italian Regierung is committed to a political objective of peace between Israel and Palestine

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A beeutendes treffen at Palazzo Chigi

Today, the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, is the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, together with Abu Mazen, at the Chigi Palace. These Treffen have been one of the basic principles of the life of the two Italian and Palestinian countries and are committed within the framework of the commitment of the Italian regime for a fry and a future life of the Israeli-Palestinian agreements.

Italians Rolle bei der Stabilisierung der Region

Während des Treffens concretete Meloni, wie wichtig es sei, auf af apolitische Lösung hinzuarbeiten, die das Zusammenleben Israels et Palästinas en Frieden et Sicherheit ermöglicht. The Prime Minister created the Italian Bereitschaft, an active role in stabilizing the Gazastreifens and in leading the reform projects of Palestinian institutions to play. This assurance is not up to the security in the region where the security conditions are ensured, it also extends in a green climate and in an ideal environment for the future.

Zukunftsaussichten für Frieden

The Italian Regierung has taken initiatives to take over one of the management operations between Israel and Palestine to help them. The Australian is in a two-state golden Lösung as a single gangbarer Weg, a dauerhaften Frieden zu gewährleisten. Meloni participated in a reflection on the study, with international partners, a reflection process and decided to create a construction dialogue and construction work between nations.