
In the culture nur die Exzellenz zu fördern, it is fatal for Berlin

In the culture nur die Exzellenz zu fördern, it is fatal for Berlin

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The announcements by cultural senator Joe Chialo were published in the Berliner Zeitung on December 10. Articles on media coverage of Berlin’s cultural policy have been published. Seine Forderung, die Kultur müsse “effektiver agieren” et sich fragen, “worauf man verzichten kann”, lässt befürchten, the essenzielle Bestandteile der kulturellen Landschaft Berlins – insbesondere die freie Szene – sous la Druck der Haushaltskonsolidierung ins Hintertreffen geraten könnten. This free image therefore constitutes an invisible foundation for the cultural identity, aging and innovation of the main city.

Treiber von Vielfalt and Innovation

The free scene is much more than a support for established cultural institutions. This is the experimental avant-garde of the environment, in new studies and relevant society. Large users often turn to classic readers and varied formats, a small audience for reading, with the risk-free scene. These are interdisciplinary projects, art, technology and social themes. Here we find marginalized measures that are often implemented in established structures. This is Vielfalt, the auszeichnet Berlin world.

The city is not a district of higher culture, but it is a lebendiges work for cultural innovation. When we have free templates, we are not using just one creative engine, but we are also looking to create products for Strahlkraft Berlins culture.

Culture Senator Joe Chialo took part in a culture culture demonstration in Berlin on December 8, 2024.Emmanuele Contini/Berliner Zeitung

A simple and effective answer

The Konzentration auf Exzellenzförderung allein ist problematic. There is no doubt about the Frage: Was the Exzellenz überhaupt? Häufig wird sie mit established Namen, großen Häusern und spektakulären Produktionen gleichgesetzt. Doch Exzellenz ist kein statischer Zustand. They train in a lebendigen field, das von Austausch, Experimentierfreude et Diversität geprägt. Ohne die Impulse aus der frien Szene würden auto die renamiertesten Institutionen stagnieren. A unique conception of Exzellenz zementiert bestehende Machtstrukturen et verschließt die Türen for new actors and perspectives.

Berlin is not within the cultural metropolis of the cultural elite, but is due to the synergy of large and small businesses, creators and aufstrebenden actors. This balance should not be used.

The social dimension

Culture is not an aesthetic genre, it seems to be a social kit. The free Szene leaves yesterday an unverzichtbaren Beitrag, indem sie sie Räume für Begegnung und Teilhabe schafft. Their project is often niedrigschwellig and sprechen Menschen an, die sich von traditionellen Kulturangeboten ausgeschlossen fühlen. They reflect on and address current societal themes such as migration, climate or the social economy auf a woman, both uniform and zugänglich.

Large institutions have prestigious productions which have a direct link with the free collaboration between culture and etiquette. If you think it’s because Berlin doesn’t care about popular culture, it also cares about cultural democracy.

Wirtschaftliche Vorteile der freien Szene

An often übersehener Punkt is the efficiency of the free scene. Mit vergleichsweise geringen Mitteln schafft sie enorme cultural et gesellschaftliche Werte. Your project has great flexibility and flexibility, due to the resources invested in the investment. Jeder in die Szene investierte Euro vole mehrfach zurück – sei es durch Tourismus, Stadtentwicklung or social Integration.

The free scene is also a wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor for Berlin. If there are artists, creative and creative people all over the world, not even culturally, they also have attractive attractions in the city. Sparmaßnahmen in this Bereich könnten langfristig deutlich teurer werden, wenn sie die Innovationskraft et den creativen Output Berlins schwächen.

Bild vom letzten kostenlosen Museumssonntag in der GemäldegalerieMaurizio Gambarini/imago

Cultural policy for Zukunft

Anstatt sich darauf zu konzentrieren, “worauf man verzichten kann”, therefore the Berliner Kulturpolitik nach wegen suchen, like the Vielfalt and the Dynamik der gesamten Szene kann. Only one answer was, large institutions and free view were not linked to the measures taken, but also to the two pages behind the medal. Heavy users have varied experiences with varied artists and collections, their agenda for all, and their new groups to work with.

Self-financing of culture is not possible at the national level. A liaison agency of foundations, private organizations and EU programs has resources available. Time must be implemented so that the effective cultural sector is provided with a solid foundation and a certain autonomy in the leisure scene.

Die Basis nicht geschwächt, sondern muss gestärkt werden

The discussion about the Zukunft der Kultur in Berlin is not led by the Sparzwängen, but it seems to have a clear vision: How can Berlin get inside an organized and organized European cultural center? This vision must be the group’s dissemination of umfassen culture – from classical opera to experimental performance art to digital formats.

A cultural policy, which is based on the Exzellenzförderung Konzentriert, verkennt, dass Exzellenz aus der Vielfalt et Lebendigkeit einer breiten kulturellen Basis erwächst. Berlin has decided that this Basis will not change, but it will be daring, but it will not start. When the time comes to live in the city, there is no food in the big rooms, it is in the same time as the cultural life, and it is golden.

Jürgen Köhler is a free designer, art director and author-artist. Well, in Berlin you have access to various cultural riches and free amenities and you know the vieler cultural situation.

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