
Four Easy Ways to Get Rid of Mice and Rats Using Natural Methods

Four Easy Ways to Get Rid of Mice and Rats Using Natural Methods

An expert has explained how to use items in your kitchen to deter rats and mice.

An expert shared four things that could help keep rats away(Picture: Ben Birchall/PA Wire)

A pest control expert has shared four simple tips to prevent rats and mice from entering your home – and the items you need may already be in your cupboards. David from Eliminate Solutions shared effective ways to get rid of mice and rats that are easier than using traps or poison.

He said the pests can only handle certain smells and find other smells too overwhelming. According to the expert, smells that we tend to like have the opposite effect on rodents. David shared that some spicy seasonings in your kitchen are enough to drive away rats, reports The Mirror.

Another tip was to try using juice or essential oils. Explaining why some smells deter rats more than others, David said: “Mice are very sensitive to smells. The reason is that they have a poor sense of vision and therefore their other senses must be heightened in order to survive.

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“If you want to repel mice from an area, you will need to use strong scents that will overpower their sense of smell. Having strong scents in an area can confuse rodents and make it much harder for them to find food, so they are fewer are likely to stay on your property Not only will strong odors overwhelm and disorient them, but they can also affect their ability to detect predators, so rats and mice will become tired of staying in one place for too long.

Odors to deter rats and mice

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice not only has a strong odor, but it is also acidic and contains compounds that rodents will find extremely irritating if placed near their nest. All you need to do is soak cotton balls in pineapple juice and place them in areas where rodents have been spotted around your home. David said: “You can also put a few tablespoons in a spray bottle filled with water and spray the areas where they have been seen before using other methods. It is not only very effective, but it is also cheap and easy. »

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is one of the most popular natural solutions for getting rid of rodents because it contains menthol, giving it a strong scent that makes rats and mice uncomfortable. David said: “Peppermint oil is effective at keeping mice away as they don’t like the smell of menthol. When mice smell this essential oil, they associate it with danger and fear. present or try to get away from it as much as possible.

As with pineapple juice, simply smear peppermint oil into cotton balls or pour it into an empty spray bottle, then use it around your home if you suspect rodents are nesting. It should be noted, however, that peppermint oil, like most essential oils, is harmful to pets.


If you want a solution that not only works but makes your home look great, consider purchasing a lavender plant, as its highly fragrant scent will also overwhelm rodents. David said: “If you want to keep mice away, one of the best things you can do is plant lavender plants in your garden or have some in your house.”

“Mice hate the smell of lavender and will avoid it at all costs! If there is plenty of lavender around your home, you are less likely to have problems with mice coming inside.” Many strong-smelling herbs, such as eucalyptus, rosemary, and thyme, also act as a natural deterrent to keep rodents away if you want to have a beautiful but practical display of houseplants in your House.

Cayenne pepper or chili powder

You should consider taking a look at your spice rack, as cayenne pepper and chili powder can be used to get rid of rats. David said: “This is an effective home remedy for getting rid of mice as they smell bad and they won’t stay around long enough for their sense of smell to get used to it. Simply sprinkle chili powder in areas where you suspect there may be mice, such as behind cabinets or under furniture.

Cayenne pepper and chili powder contain capsaicin, a compound that greatly irritates mice or rats if they smell it.