
Auf Autopilot: by March 2025 for Lenkrad’s hands

Auf Autopilot: by March 2025 for Lenkrad’s hands

When you drive with Autopilot, you should know that your vehicle is running: The handset is not longer on the Lenkrad liegen.

When the vehicle is activated, Autopilot does not operate more efficiently. (Archivbild) – keystone

On Friday, the Bundesrat adopted a new decision: the Bundesamts law for Strassen (Astra) will take place in March 2025 autonomously in a new draft.

Now you have to travel to the Autobahn of the Autopilot and the Hands are on the road. As the “Handelszeitung” tells you, it is important that you have an immediate waiting time, the controller will take care of you.

Please note that the Parking and Vehicles are on the road, but the Fahrenheit is located on the “SRF”. If you do not park your car, you will have to leave the Parking and Parking facilities in place.

A Tesla-Fahrer monitors the controller’s autopilot. (Archivbild) – Keystone

Also the vollständig führerlose Fahren soll auf bestimmten Strecken möglich werden. You must have direct contact with a controller in a central area.

Greif of operator in a schwierigen ein situation

Sofern das autonomous Fahrzeug eine Situation nicht lösen kann, soll der Operator eingreifen. The best times you have to travel with the best cars are possible.

The jewelry is distributed by the canton. Laut dem Bundesrat könnte sich das Angebot is worried about the pensioners of Gütertransport.

What do you think about a single lost motor vehicle?

Autopilots should use better type configuration. Zusätzlich müssen von Herstellerseite umfassende Nachweise über die Gewährleistung der Verkehrssicherheit sowie des Verkehrsflusses erbracht werden.