
These a detail must be seen ⋆

These a detail must be seen ⋆

THE Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 review Check the new version of reliable DAW software at your home and home. Did I choose the current version to get an upgrade? In this review I find you here.

Was that it?

Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 is the new version of the famous music software for professionals, which provides a variety of options and spent options. Ergänzt wurden beispielsweise sechs Modulatoren. You can now select Parameters for Tracks or Channels with Audio signals modulieren.

Ebenfalls is the new Drum-Track. This is an all-in-one solution for use in both full drum patterns and most comprehensive drum kits. Herzstück von Drum-Track is a new drum machine, a hybrid between a drum sampler and a percussion synthesizer.

Neben cesergänzungen wurden the Tools for Audio-Mixing, Editing and Processing with the Ziel uneines verbesserten Workflows optimized. The integrated score editor can easily be used optimally. This is a cleaner list, with notations based on the MIDI editor.

5 Features of Steinberg Cubase Pro 14

  • Music software
  • 6 new modulators
  • Neuer Drum-Track
  • Detailed workflow
  • Überarbeiteter Note editor

The Pro variant is also available in Cubase Elements 14 for a simple user and Cubase Artist 14 for strong programs. Variants await you in Funktionsumfang and Preis. All versions are compatible with Windows and Mac.

Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 review

New version of music software

You only need one major update for a year to get a new version of Cubase. Was this the case in Jahr getan? In this review I will see the big news that I will be reviewing. However, it is not possible to have small details, but these tests must be taken into account.

Otherwise, the Blick hat will be changed to the previous version. The smallest weft colors may be used for cosmetic purposes. A big facelift with the latest updates is what’s wrong.

Dafür läuft Cubase 14 deutlich schneller als Cubase 13 – and it’s a big art and compatibility with Workflow. Das Laden von Actionen et das Bearbeiten von Tracks et Spuren erfolgt nahtlos.

All general checks

Please note that the Veränderungen in Detail. So leave your project in Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 nur noch as 64-Bit anlegen et abspeichern.

Make sure you start the project so it’s best to jump into the better versions of the DAW that aren’t more efficient. As you can see, we are planning to have more details or even more details.

Die Benutzeroberfläche wurde nur leicht verändert.

32-bit projects are available since Cubase 14. We invite you to discover the software with this version of the DAW project format. This project can also be done in other DAWs like Bitwig or Studio One. This compatibility is guaranteed, gerade für die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen.

Also, the VST2 Plugins are new: The standard versions are not more correct. You will be able to do this by enabling Plugin Manager and making it easier for you to do so.

Un gutter Kompromiss für den Übergang.

Testing the drum machine in Cubase Pro 14

The first big news is the installation of a Drum-Spur with its own drum machine. This uses 16 virtual pads, allowing you to create individual drum sounds.

Naturally, you can use the sounds with a wide variety of sound presets. Jedes Pad bietet Platz bis zu vier Layer.

Das bedeutet, Du kannst bis zu vier Drum Sounds übereinander schichten et cese dann gemeinsam spielen. So you will find all the complex drum patterns and textures. Alright.

Mit der Drum Machine cannst Individual Drum Spuren für deine Productionen erzeugen.

The Drum Machine is available even more. You can apply effects to individual stamps.

The effects applied are:

  • Limiter
  • equalizer
  • Filtered
  • Bit Crusher
  • More unterschiedliche distortion-Effekte

There is still Delay and Reverb which can also be used for Dual and Send effect. The effect relies on numerous Klangmöglichkeiten and a vielseitigen Einsatz der Drum Spur in your production.

Pattern Sequencer

Another new feature is the Pattern Sequencer, a form of Step Sequencer. The simple steps can be used with Drum Machine sounds.

Zum Belegen stehen auch verschiedene Zufallsfunktionen sur Auswahl.

With the new Pattern Sequencer you can create paced drum patterns.

For the pattern sequencer, only one step is performed. We can’t wait to see the next event, if the sequence is over. This feature is first available and selected in my Cubase test for easy-to-use drum patterns.

Then nebeneffekt can work with the pattern sequencer in a work area.


The last big news is the configuration of some modulators, which can be used in your production.

The following types are selected with the current version for the release:

  • LFO
  • Envelope follower
  • Shaper
  • Macro Button
  • Step Modulator
  • ModScripter

These sounds can be used using a beep, parameters displayed at the cob level, in the channel, in virtual instruments or audio effects.

It’s very similar to the modulation matrix of a synthesizer. Mit cesen kannst Du plus Bewegung et Dynamik in deinen Produktionen schaffen.

The LFO is a single modulator used.

The LFO can be emphasized by power or by the use of a sine wave effect in motion and absence.

The envelope follower tracks the signal trigger data and adds parameters to the other Stellen bzw. umgekehrt.

If the Spur is used, more Modulatoteren gleichzeitig angewendet werden and the Modulatoren können sich sogar gegenseitig steuern.

Thus, the LFO can be used to attack Follower envelopes. Modulators have many possibilities and efficient production methods.

The new editor-in-chief is for a good job of composition.

New editor’s notes in the Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 review

Another solution is the new comprehensive notes editor. This notation software was adapted by Dorico. Damit lassen sich Notenpartituren erstellen, die Du wiederum en Spuren umwandeln kannst und umgekehrt.

Im Noten Editor cannst So also Spuren Bearbeiten.

This is very visible and as less intuitive as possible. Gerade für Komponisten dürfte this Feature eine sehr gute Ergänzung zum ohnehin schon runden Angebot sein.

New effect

As there is a new version of Cubase, there is only one new effects plug-in created, which is so convenient that it can be done.

We have this evil in the Schnelldurchlauf an.

Mit Shimmer cannst Du deiner Produktion Glanz verleihen.


This effect is a hall, a bright reverb effect is used. That’s right, more Spuren more Glanz zu verleihen. Gerade zum Layern et in electronic Produktionen enignet sich thiser Effekt sehr gut.

Additionally, the room is closer to the two half-tons when opening or one of the locations.

Studio Delay is a more powerful Delay effect.

Late in the studio

This effect is managed by a Delay, adding more and more colors to your music.

With AutoFilter you can automatically filter the best Frequenzbereiche aus deinen Spuren filtern lassen.

Automatic filter

AutoFilter is an effect, the best automatic frequency within your Spuren filter.

You can choose from these names this plugin to use them manually and individual attacks, releases and range.

Underwater is a low pass filter with a simpler configuration.


This effect is a more powerful filter. This is a low pass filter that you can use with your production to be able to do this even if the water is too cold.

Underwater zeichnet sich durch eine besonders simple Bedienung aus. This is just an adjustment of the filter frequency and the possibility of resampling.

With the Volume Plugin you can use the Lautstärke to adjust the Stelle of the Effectkette.


This plugin is as simple as its name: You can do it with security rules. It’s a simple little tool and effect.

What’s interesting to you is that the plug-in allows you to use simple effects methods – as an example of using your effects palette.

More information on the Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 review

However, most of the new reviews are not yet written, but the reviews are always there.

So, in Cubase 14 Pro, you can use the channel directly by dragging and dropping – using the preview window as a help.


The MediaBay Vorschau has a new look and new functions. You can influence these expressways and tracks. Die Spuren sich dann mit den vogenommen Einstellungen importieren. It’s practical and fair.

Also in AudioEvents this is a new version: you can launch directly in the backbone and do it directly.

Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 Review-Fazit

Don’t you also want an upgrade from Steinberg Cubase Pro 14? Jain, hm, ja, oldeicht. The main argument for an upgrade is that it is one and the same German model. This is a better solution for producer and component workflow – you can do anything to make it happen.

Even if you immerse yourself in a drum machine for your production in Cubase, the upgrade will be very effective. The Drum Machine has many, many creative possibilities, which are integrated with the new pattern sequencers arriving now.

For the Komponisten, the most gleichzeitig producers, you will find the new editor-in-chief of the argument dafür werden.

All others are supposed to be superfluous, and upgrading is an effective solution for you. New modulators and effects have a crisp experience, with your sound to experience. An upgrade project is possible without any problems.

New music product models can be used in the new version. This is the ultimate version of the best performing DAW with all your experiences. I am Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 Test bekommt the DAW von mir deshalb a sehr bon Wertung.

Features Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 Review

  • Publisher: Steinberg
  • Music software/DAW
  • Compatible with Windows and Mac
  • 6 modulators
  • Pattern Sequencer
  • Pattern Editor
  • Neuer drum track
  • Drum machine
  • Changing the volume curve of an event
  • Shimmering effect
  • Generalüberholter sheet music editor
  • Different MixConsole
  • StudioDelay
  • Underwater plugin
  • Auto Filter Plugin
  • Work and performance optimization
  • Audio engine: 64 bits
  • Audio frequency: 192 kHz
  • MIDI sockets: not recorded
  • Audiospuren: not recorded
  • Spuren für VST-Instrumente: not available
  • VCA tracks: 256
  • VST instruments: 4
  • Sounds for VST instruments: over 3,000

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