
VW reaches agreement with Tesla -Herausforderer Rivian ab

VW reaches agreement with Tesla -Herausforderer Rivian ab

Volkswagen is the partner of the American Tesla manufacturer Rivian besieger.

11/13/2024, 03:2611/13/2024, 2:32 p.m.

Bereits 2027 sollen die ersten Fahrzeuge auf Basis der neuen Elektro-Architektur anrollen, wie Konzernchef Oliver Blume im kalifornischen Palo Alto ankündigte.

An electric pickup from Rivian.Image: Rivian

The investment in the stock of the VW project costs up to 5.8 million euros if the Wolfsburger was expensive, 800 million euros more expensive than the factory. Mit dem gemeinschaftsunternehmen soll VW and Zugriff auf the Elektro- und Softwarearchitektur der Amerikaner erhalten.

The cooperation was launched by the companies last June, in July for the federal cartel in the context of immunization. The development process concerns software, Steuercomputer sowie Netzwerk-Architektur. The Plan aims for a cooperative body for entrepreneurs to fully commit and take care of their business. Basis soll die bestehende Elektronik-Architektur von Rivian sein, the weiterentwickelt werde.

VW’s new electrical devices are now available and both in Rivians technology and software. The first model with the new technology will be launched in 2027, according to Blume. “We will start with Volkswagen, then Audi, Scout, Porsche and all the other brands.” This is an all-wheel drive vehicle, which is a small car with a luxury car and a sports car. We have large Stückzahlen and Sinkende Kosten ermöglichen. Zum Einsatz kommen werde Rivian-Technik aber nur bei Elektroautos.

Software problem verzögern Modellanläufe

Die Wolfsburger has already experienced years of problems with the installation of home software, which is the cause of the audit. Please note that there are more Modellstarts, but this is another time. Rivian takes care of Anfang of an own architecture agency, in automotive electronics in more areas with own computers aufgeteilt wird and the dadurch mit deutlich weniger Steuergeräten auskommt. Inzwischen ist dort bereits die 2 Generation der Plattform im Einsatz.

These new gemeinschaftsunternehmen soll bereits an diesem Mittwoch seinen Betrieb aufnehmen. Seinen Sitz is located in Palo Alto in the US state of California, with locations in other parts of Europe and North America. The Grossteil of the Teams consisted of Rivian, who learned one of the Volkswagen colleges, said the Gründer and the head of the American partners, RJ Scaringe. The dual insight of a Volkswagen and Rivian manager.

From up to $5.8 billion, Europe’s largest automaker for the overhead project will bank $3.5 billion on Rivian-Anteile. Daneben sollen 2.3 Billion Dollar in the new Gemeinschaftsunternehmen flyssen, avon eine Milliarde als Darlehen. There are three billion war dollars for the Riviéra region and two billion for United States government agencies. Man habe beide Summen noch einmal aufgestockt, bestätigte Blume.

392 million dollars paid for 10,000 purchases

For Rivian, this is a premium geldspritze. In 2009, the company developed as a business by heart and acted with a deep interest in electric automobiles in the United States. “Sure this partnership and this agreement for our capital is safe,” said Rivian-Chef Scaringe for the highest levels of clean production.

I pay about $10,000 in quarters to Rivian, I make $874 million in dollars and $392 million in dollars. The company VW-Konzern has its own time for 2.2 million euros, 78.5 million Euros and verbuchte trotz a massiven Gewinneinbruchs nach Steuern noch 1.58 Billion Euro Überschuss.

Rivian operates in two popular business categories in the United States, offering large SUVs and pickup trucks. We also produce Rivian for Amazon electric vehicles, which are also available in Europe to see if that happens. The global online manager offers benefits to an investor.


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