
War against Tidjane Thiam against Switzerland against racism?

War against Tidjane Thiam against Switzerland against racism?


Former CEO of Credit SuisseThe war against the Zurich elite against Tidjane Thiam?

The American author Duncan Mavin is described in a book, as Rassismus and a skandal Thiam in Fall Brachten.

  • Tidjane Thiam started 2015 as CEO of Credit Suisse with big solutions.

  • Laut Duncan Mavin said Thiam had no internal problems, but it was also present in previous articles.

  • Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit and Snobismus are within Alltag geprägt.

  • The Spygate-Skandal was abruptly at the border of Credit Suisse.

Tidjane Thiam, one of the CEOs of Credit Suisse, took place at the end of 2015 with new solutions in Zurich. Doch er sah sich schnell mit unerwarteten Herausforderungen konfrontiert. The “SonntagsZeitung” said that American star journalist Duncan Mavin had written in his newspaper CS-Untergang that Thiam had no internal problems, and that he was also aware of the previous events.

Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit et Snobismus seien Faktoren gewesen, die ihm das Leben schwer machten. Mavin hebt hervor, dass negatif Schlagzeilen der Schweizer Medien sein Urteilsvermögen beeinträchtigten.

Negative balance sheet settled by Tidjane Thiam zu

Manchmal schien is Thiam, and he is also the Swiss elite team. Thiam will find himself in a new Heimatland for his life, lief beim Sechseläuten als Ehrengast mit Zweispitzhut durch Zurich.

Doch wirklich akzeptiert fühlte er sich von den Schweizern nie. Zu schaffen machte ihm dabei is worried about the negative feedback from the media. This lifestyle is very popular, I recommend it to you, as a head of state in charge and in the hotels in your area. Besonders verärgert sei Thiam gewesen, wenn die Medien über seine Familie schrieben.

NYT: Schweizer lehnten ihn «als Aussenseiter» ab

Thiam arrived in Duncan Mavin, in his current situation, and in 2019 he went outside the Swiss civil society services. Er hatte gehofft, damit die Anfeindungen zu mildern, doch genau das Gegenteil trat ein.

Schliesslich indete seine Amtszeit brusque durch den Spygate-Skandal. After that, the bank published an article from the “New York Times”, which was described as Switzerland by the “Aussenseiter capablehnten”. Another example is the following: “Im überwiegend weissen Zurich, einer Stadt mit nur 400,000 Einwohnern, machten seine mächtige Rolle und seine Hautfarbe ihn zu einer auffälligen Persönlichkeit.”

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