
Elden Ring NightReign: Anmeldungen for the test at the beginning of February bald

Elden Ring NightReign: Anmeldungen for the test at the beginning of February bald

In February, the first networking test for Elden Ring: NightReign took place. The Koop-Ableger of Elden Ring was created during the Game Awards and has always had a dynamic world with bieten bosses, so they are in the Koop star könnt. Try FromSoftware’s Mutliplayer for a year for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series.

Meldet euch in weniger als vier Wochen an!

Elden Ring: NightReign offers you a character as playful as a Tag-Nacht-Zyklen, during the winter night, which offers possibilities for entertainment. The world is very dynamic within the management and the Kämpfe carries out a tactical program, with the help of more people from the advantage. You will therefore be able to play with the Boss capable of facing the other Angriffe ausführt. As is the case with an action role-playing game, you have your own einsammeln relic, the character is younger and you have a unique play style.

Auf X kündigte der official Elden-Ring-Account den Testlauf an. “Stählt eure Entschlossenheit, Nachtschwärmer”, it is here. “The Elden Ring NightRein network scan will take place on January 10, 2025.”

“The network test is a pre-verification test, with the test sets added* in the game until the clean version is available. The online system presents varied technical tests, as well as comprehensive network tests . durchgeführt werden”, it can be found on the official Bandai Namco website.

This is therefore also the case for this network test for the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series. If a PC or other console is playing, you will also want to play in the Röhre.

Unter dem Beitrag sind vier Figuren abgebildet. In the comments, the best players are sure that this is one of the handelt classics playing in Elden Ring: NightRain. Vermutlich sind cese vier Charaktere im Netzwerktest spielbar. Dies bleibt allerdings a Speculation, wenn auch aine, die durchaus zutreffen könnte.

Elden Ring fans have nothing to do with the spin-off of bosses who can’t launch. “This game will be mich wahrscheinlich zum Wüten, Weinen et Leiden bringen! Kann es kaum erwarten,” writes one fan.