
Auf and ab oil price: Warning about robots and geopolitical risks!

Auf and ab oil price: Warning about robots and geopolitical risks!

Die Ölpreise haben en der vergangenen Woche eine volatile Entwicklung durchlaufen. During the Donnerstag, the price of a barrel of Brent from Nordseesorte for a February price of 72.77 US dollars was a price of 77 cents at the market price. The price of US WTI sank 90 cents to $69.36. These precautionary measures are taken by a warning from the International Energy Agency (IEA) for maximum protection against the Rohöl fires. The IEA-Monatsbericht government said the global oil market reached a month later an increase of 1.4 million barrels for the global market, which would be when OPEC+ has its production plan in April.

OPEC+, due to Russia itself, has considerable losses, the best reforms of the monetary order of a coming three monat, were established by the schrittweise implementation of mass men from the end of the month of March. This study takes place in the context of a last minute prognosis, olive oil finds itself facing an evil in a hat of madness.

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