
Android: Google and Microsoft with one feature – Windows Phone works better with iPhone for iPhone

Android: Google and Microsoft with one feature – Windows Phone works better with iPhone for iPhone

Google management system Android There are many days on the best smartphone platform and Apple iOS for one real deal. Vor einiger Zeit aben die Entwickler Einblicke en die Anfangstage gegeben. Unterem haben wir erfahren, ass nicht Apple, sondern Microsoft, Googles Hauptkonkurrent für die Entwicklung des Betriebssystems gewesen ist. Mit Abstand muss man sich nun fragen, wie das heute aussieht.

Android is the most efficient management system in the world and is a large management system for Google, with a single shock absorber. Often, the first Android smartphone is a year after the Apple iPhone on the market and the product created when combining Android and smartphone is a copy of the Apple devices it takes. There is no falsity, but no wealth. Denn tatsächlich war Android Google-intern thinks three years in development, before the first use on the market.

On our holidays we might have to make Google with Android not the Apple iPhone bzw. iOS in Visier genommen hat, sondern viel mehr Microsoft. Google chose to become a Microsoft-Dominanz and get away with it, with Windows and the mobile market being dominated so that man is always on his desktop. This information is provided by travel agencies and internal communications by mail.

Das Ziel, un Microsoft-Dominanz sur le Smartphone-Markt zu verhindern, que Google sans Frage erreicht. Even today, the man is known for making Microsoft with Windows compatible with the smartphone market. Today, Microsoft on Android has many Android applications in its portfolio and the tactical tips, to make Android smartphones compatible with Windows – with advanced features.

Microsoft has a better Konkurrenz – but so what?
Stop by, because Microsoft has more features for Google/Android. The smartphone market is specialized in 100% Android and iOS areas. Damit dürfte der Hauptkonkurrent benannt sein – ou etwa nicht? It is also possible to launch Android apps for new users as iOS has the same functionality for Android. So Android is an offensive management system for all users and users, which is iOS on the iPhone.

iPhone is a feature for all Android smartphones, but iOS is the same feature for Android. Klingt komisch, ergibt aber Sinn. Praktisch hat Android in seinem Revier 100 Prozent Marktanteil, denn man treibt est praktisch jedes Smartphone an, das man erreichen kann. It is not possible that Android is official on the iPhone, but iOS is compatible with an unused Apple smartphone. Man soll zwar niemals nie sagen, aber zumindest in denächsten 5-10 Jahren must da schon his sleeve Hölle zufrieren, avant uneines von beiden geschieht.

Is it also possible to use Android Konkurrent? Würde man Google this official page is there, you can find it on iOS / iPhone for the Answer. Now, as Android is already connected, there is a Sturzfluss auf den Mühlen der Kartellbehörden. And of course we also have one of these points, but Google is so austere in the investigation of the Pixel series, that it is alone in having a supplier with current market products and Android is even more with its own established solutions, so that it is possible to one day have a Pixel exclusive. könnte. Denn die Konkurrenzsituation zwischen Pixel et iPhone sieht schon schon wieder ganz anders aus…

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