
The ticket price is accepted by Oasis

The ticket price is accepted by Oasis

Fat thin boy
The ticket price is accepted by Oasis

Musician Norman Cook (left) got the ticket price from Liam Gallagher and band Oasis ausgesprochen.

© imago images/Graham Finney/Cover-Images /imago images/Matrix

For Fatboy Slim, the new Oasis board is a “Abzocke der Fans”. “Dynamic pricing” is accepted in German.

British band Kultband Oasis will perform for a full day on the Reunion Grand Tour around the world. For many reviews, you can choose the ticket price for the Brit-Rocker’s big Comeback tour with “Dynamic Pricing” as well as a ticket price for a reasonable sale price on a single package of funds. And delivery costs for the Oasis ticket war. This art of regulation was chosen by musician Norman Cook, 61, who is more interested in his stage name Fatboy Slim.

Fatboy Slim declares “Abzocke der Fans”

While Cook of Britain’s “The Sun” got the Christmas card prize from Noel, 57, and Liam Gallaghers, 52, on the world tour said: “There’s a problem, I I did, it’s the scourge of fans.” “Dynamic Pricing” is offered to the search for musicians “un Abzocke der Fans” from here. “Das ist so, als würde man Tickets versteigern, weil man white, dass sie gut laufen.”

Allgemeiner gesprochen findet Cook, dass Ticketpreise “so exorbitant” seien. Therefore, ergäben sich höhere Profite “für Leute, die schon sehr, sehr reich sind – and zwar für die Bands and die Promoter”.

Bei seinen eigenen Auftritten sei dies Verfahren seines Wissens nach niemals zum Einsatz gekommen. “I have a Mitspracherecht, when it’s safe, the tickets are in bulk and I have an invoice for my car. I say: ‘Lasst uns einen faireen Preis haben'”, so Cook.

Oasis takes place on August 27, 2024 during the Reunion Tour. Nach derzeitigem Stand since July and November 2025 Konzerte in Great Britain and Ireland, North America and Australia. Auf dem European Festland wird die Gruppe nicht auftreten.

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