
.NET 9.0 brings latest changes and new KI library

.NET 9.0 brings latest changes and new KI library

The produced version of .NET 9.0 is available on the free download page for use. For .NET 9.0, beneficial developments and developments for Visual Studio 2022 are planned in version 17.12, the benefits and production results are golden.


In November 2023, version 8.0 will be included in 36 months of Long Term Support (LTS) and will be available until November 2026 with updates that will be updated by Microsoft and updates and technical for .NET 9.0 and Standard Term Support (STS). Lediglich für die Dauer von 18 Monaten annu, also until May 2026.

Building .NET 9.0 is the same as building .NET 8.0 (see version 1): you’ll need to learn how to use the base SDK, a library of common base libraries , as well as C#, F#, and Visual Basic .NET examples. in (quick) all the steps of using Entity Framework Core Mapper objects. And even though the current version works like Entity-Framework-Core-Version 9.0, it is not yet with the current version .NET 9.0, but it is also compatible with the Vorgänger .NET 8.0. In the Untergrund we have two more runtimes, through art and management system: the .NET Core Runtime and the Mono Runtime.

Building .NET 9.0 (Abb. 1)

(Photo: Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg)

.NET versions of .NET 9.0 are not available in the Target framework in the project date set in the center of the Build Directory.Build.props configuration date net9.0 Finally, you can also find out more about Breaking Changes. The revolutionary changes brought about by .NET 8.0 are documented by Microsoft in the table.

(Photo: Dmytro Vikarchuk/Shutterstock))

At the betterCode() .NET online conference on November 19, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., iX and a group of experts will present the .NET experts from the ideal stand for .NET 9.0 and practical exercises. You will find the new versions in .NET 9.0 SDK, C# 13.0, ASP.NET Core 9.0, Blazor 9.0, Windows Forms 9.0, WPF 9.0, WinUI, .NET MAUI 9.0 and the integration of Künstlicher Intelligenz in .NET-Anwendungen. The program includes two preparation sessions, a discussion and several workshops.

Tickets are available on the conference box office website.

A graverende support is the fall of the class BinaryFormatter. Grund sind die bereits seit dem Jahr 2012 (der Black-Hat-Konferenz 2012) bekannten Sicherheitslücken in ce Serialisierungsart. Microsoft offers a migration guide specific to BinaryFormatter, which includes migration to other serial formats such as XML, Message Pack, and ProtoBuf. Entwicklerinnen and Entwickler, your program code does not have another migrated serialization format in general, you can use the NuGet-Paket System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters and binary serialization later. A Muslim man from Zudem dies as part of the project:


For Entity Framework Core and C#, they are now separate. Listen to the latest changes:

Microsoft has more (as in authorized versions of .NET) the relevant reading statements in .NET 9.0 created, for example:

  • schnellere Laufzeitfehler
  • Inlining verbs for generic methods
  • Schema optimization in JIT
  • Profile Guided Optimization (PGO) Optimization
  • German use of storage services in the Garbage Collector in server mode
  • Verbesserungen der Ausführungszeit et Speicheralokation bei zahlreichen .NET-Basisklassen

Solutions for performance and real Zahlen find a man in one document in Microsoft DevBlogs.

It should be noted that Microsoft is able to use the most advanced configuration options for the minimal ASP.NET Core Web APIs (see version 2).

Leistungs- und Speicherplatzverbesserungen bei ASP.NET Core Minimal WebAPIs (Abb. 2)

(Image: Microsoft DevBlogs)

In .NET 9.0 there are many new features in all areas: in the C# programming version, in the core library library, in goal mapping with Entity Framework Core, in JSON serialization with System.Text .Json, in Webframeworks ASP.NET Core and Blazor now with Cross-Platform-UI .NET MAUI. Even other Windows-Desktop-Frameworks Windows Forms are simple solutions.

The developer discovered the new versions of .NET 9.0 as well as the proposed preliminary versions and release candidates:

Please note that the following functions are now available:

  1. In System.Text.Json there is no description of the build parameter, flexibility to the position of type metadata ($type), reading multi-JSON documents and parsing enum name serialization is easy. This is a method DeepEquals() in the classroom JsonElement.
  2. This is the best Windows-Forms setup item FolderBrowserDialog Erlaubt in .NET 9.0 die Mehrfachauswahl von Dateien.
  3. This Control-Steuerelement, of all Steuerelemente in Windows Forms and also of the Formular as solutions, for a method InvokeAsync() zur einfachen Ausführung asynchroner Aufgaben.
  4. The user interface of the .NET cross-platform application (.NET MAUI) is made of data bindings, which is clearer and also has NativeAOT compilation functions.
  5. Das MAUI-Steuerelement besitzt un TimeSelected-Ereignis, das ausgelöst wird, wenn sich die ausgewählte Zeitändert.

This is Microsoft’s announcement on Entity Framework Core AOT compatibility. In Entity Framework Core 9.0 there is only a first small AOT compilation scheme: our LINQ-Abfragen statistics are also available for entwicklungszeit compilation compilation. Dazu nutzt Microsoft statistical Codeanalyse et C#-Interceptoren. Microsoft itself said: “We encourage you to experiment with current support and report your experiences, but we do not recommend deploying EF NativeAOT applications to production.”

Introducing Microsoft’s .NET 9.0 release, a new KI library for .NET. The new NuGet-Paket Microsoft.Extensions.AI uses .NET Extensions and Extensions to provide KI services such as OpenAI, Azure AI, Ollama, and GitHub. The community can have its own model (see definition 3).

New KI library for .NET (Abb. 3)

(Image: Microsoft DevBlogs)

Entwicklerinnen et Entwickler sollen sich nicht an enenen bestimmten Anbieter binden müssen, indem sie sie aine spezifische Bibliothek for anenen bestimmten KI-Dienst us. The author of Microsoft’s KI library is the Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Abstractions package defined as IChatClient and IEmbeddingGenerator. The Microsoft.Extensions.AI library and Microsoft.Extensions.AI and Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Ollama offer Microsoft packages such as Microsoft.Extensions.AI.AzureAIInference, Microsoft.Extensions.AI.OpenAI, and Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Ollama offer implementations for these models.

Microsoft is available on GitHub for many examples.
