
Luis Wittmann: 2 Play-offs and Lehramtsstudium

Luis Wittmann: 2 Play-offs and Lehramtsstudium

Luis Wittmann, quarterback of the Football-Mannschaft Straubing Spiders:

“The sport is preparing for the playoff war in my first month in the German Football League, the most difficult time. When I arrived, I also mine had no problem. The match in the war playoffs is a fight for the Mannschaftsleistung, the war sehr I came for me, it’s the war between all the men of the Schluss The war is there, it’s football and my father Mike, who is the. linebacker-coach Spiders meinte, es war sein schönster Moment In this month, as Vater zu erleben, I am in the first match of the German Football League and I was lucky that a coach with the Spiders fought for me .it’s true, Lehrer zu “

The 22-year-old Luis Wittmann (links), Quarterback of the Spiders, with Vater Mike on the coaching staff of the Spiders.


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