
Quick share: Google Vertilt Function zum Teilen mit QR-Code

Quick share: Google Vertilt Function zum Teilen mit QR-Code

With Quick Share, Ehemals and Nearby Share, Google is an alternative to Apples Airdrop in the program. Once the date has been added, the user has not entered the QR-Code. Google has the new feature that applies to apps.


If you want to Quick Share a QR-Code you will be able to enter it, you will be able to read it and you will receive it immediately.

(Image: Screenshot / dmk)

While reviewing the December Android updates, Google launched the new Quick Share feature. Images, videos or documents with other topics can be easily distributed, the text symbol antippen and the Schaltfläche “QR-Code” nutzen. You can use the QR-Code when you scan it, and then you will find it automatically.

“So wird die Datei sicher übertragen und ihr müsst niemanden more als Kontakt hizufügen, keine Geräte überprüfen lassen et auch keine Änderungen an euren Freigabeeinstellungen vornehmen”, was published by Google the options for this variant further. The function is verbed as part of the private sphere.

Technisch handelt es sich um eine einfache Lösung: Quick Share neben der Inhaltsfreigabe mit Funktechnik auch un webbasierte Dateifreigabe, bei der die Empfänger einen Download-Link mit Verfallsdatum erhalten. The QR-Code is available on this link for access, you do not need to send more in an email or send a sending message.

Even though the time has been changed Quick Share, the Beta-Stadium will be released at night Near Near Share. The software is supported and updated on 2 Android smartphones and Windows PCs. This Apple like Airdrop offers a function that allows a short mass. A way to use Quick Share for a WLAN connection. And the fallback option allows for a Bluetooth connection. If this option is available, it is not available, and the date is available on the website.
