
Axel Krauße with the new Intendant of the Scharoun Theater in Wolfsburg

Axel Krauße with the new Intendant of the Scharoun Theater in Wolfsburg

Free until 1:00 p.m.

Game time 25/26

Neuer Intendant of the Scharoun Theater in Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg. The Scharoun Theater in Wolfsburg will be present in the Spielzeit 2025/26 with a new director. “The Auswahlverfahren ist beendet. The Aufsichtsrat of the Scharoun theaters has an in-depth study. Axel Krauße will take place on September 1, 2025, the Verantwortung für die künstlerische et wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Scharoun Theaters übernehmen et die Nachfolge von Rainer Steinkamp antreten,” said Scharoun Theaters Interest Rates Managing Director Thomas Steg, mit.

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Axel Krauße (53), based in Langenhagen near Hannover, in a theater with greater engineering and master direction. “Axel Krauße brings everything he has, was our brains and our work in the stellar thinking that led us to do this. He realized extensive experience in theater reading, with large projects and bisherigen management offices like the stage manager’s own production producers, who know how to be sonderheiten eines Gastspieltheaters aus, for everything that that they have to do. A new concept for the dissemination of artistic profiles is that of the Scharoun theaters,” said Thomas Steg.

Krauße has been Steward of the Ansbach Theaters since 2020 and will be appointed Steward of the Zimmertheaters Tübingen from 2007 to 2018. Für seine Regiearbeiten erhielt Krauße verschiedene Price.

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“The Scharoun Theater is a cultural world tour in the cultural land beyond Wolfsburg. In the next Spielzeit we have 50 years better than these great gefeiert theaters. With Axel Krauße we have a new financial director responsible for the theater in the municipal corporation center. We are at the Scharoun Theater for men and cultures. We are a big circle in supporting development and for theater. Axel Krauße was one of the members of the expert artistic development team at Scharoun Theaters. We will frequently be at work with Axel Krauße,” said Thomas Steg.