
Nations League: UEFA officially publishes Mini-EM in Germany | Sport

Nations League: UEFA officially publishes Mini-EM in Germany | Sport

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Germany is close to Heim-Turnier and joined the Final Four in June League of Nations aus (4. bis 8. June). Das beschloss die Uefa auf ihrer Sitzung des Exekutivkomitees am Montag à Lausanne (Switzerland).

With a winning configuration: This The DFB team muss sich im Nations-League-Viertelfinale (20./23. März) gegen Italian durchsetzen. UEFA speaks of the Ausrichtung an den Gewinner these Duells.

Das hat den fachen Hintergrund, dass der Gastgeber des Finalturniers auch self teilnehmen soll.

The team won Bundestrainer Julian Nagelsmann in March in Italy, during the Austrian city festival. The final will take place at the Allianz Arena in Munich, then play out in the week before the Nations League final until the end of the match. Champions League.

Two stands for the Final Four are located in Stuttgart – alongside the city’s jewels, two games are taking place, the DFB-Elf is located in its “Homeground” district with partner Adidas in Herzogenaurach.

The Italian eventually won the Viertel final, which took place at the Final Four in Turin (at Juventus Stadium and Olympiastadion). Italy took control of the UEFA Super Cup match. On August 13, 2025, the headquarters of the Champions League and Europa League will take place at Udinese’s Friuli Stadion.

BILD Weiß: Denmark and Portugal have big interest in Australia from the Final Fours, read on.

Criticism and Seinen LeistungenSané droht das Bayern-Aus!


The leaders of the UEFA-Treffens in Lausanne visited Montagabend at 6 p.m. and the Frauen-Europameisterschaft groups were invited in August. The Kugel of the DFB-Frauen, a coach Christian Wück (51), plays at Lostopf 1.

Damit geht Deutschland zumindest in der Gruppenphase einem Duell mit Weltmeister Spanien aus dem Weg.

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The Nations League final between Germany and Italy didn’t take place until the Final Fours arrived, but it also took place The Qualifications Group for the Weltmasterschaft 2026.

Bei der Gruppenauslosung am Freitag wurden lediglich Platzhalter-Lose gezogen. Although Germany is in Italy, it is in Slowakei, Northern Ireland and Luxembourg. I came across a lower DFB-Elf region in Norway, Israel, Estonia and Moldova.