
Waldorf Blofeld, synthesizer plug-in

Waldorf Blofeld, synthesizer plug-in

Blofeld in the DAW

16. December 2024

With a teaser from Waldorf Blofeld, the manufacturers’ next software synthesizer is offered. Passenderweise wird the Plug-in mit a James Bond-ähnlichem Track angekündigt.

Waldorf Blofeld, synthesizer plug-in

This is a teaser that contains the Blofeld plugin information for a preview of the removed GUIs. Man Darf aber Davon Ausgehen, Dass Das Plug-in dem Hardware-Pendant nahezu 1:1 entsprechen Wird. Schließlich ist also das erst vor kurzem veröffentlichte Microwave 1 Plug-in so no am Vorbild, ass es zur Steuerung of alten Hardware-Microwaves genutzt werden kann.

In this teaser is the Blofeld GUI, the three oscillators, the wavetable mode and the FM option, the mixer with ring modulator and noise generator, the filter section with many modes, shells, LFO, two FX slots, Glide and Amp. Section to view.

If you leave it there is a platzhalterinhalt von YouTube. To see the actual usage, click on Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten. Before you go to the beach, you will have to wait until the dates are left behind.

More information

The setup is relatively new and only one function, like Hüllkurve and Wavetables, is graphically designed.

There really isn’t a long way to go, but the Waldorf Blofeld plugin is officially available.

We therefore suggest that you consult the tests of the Blofeld hardware from 2008 and the Blofeld keyboard with Sample-RAM from 2010 under these links displayed.