
Cybersecurity player: the best choices for 2025

Cybersecurity player: the best choices for 2025

Across the world, the strongest digitalization is possible, which leads to an exponential increase in cyberattacks. Companies and regulatory agencies are cybersecurity experts looking to invest in a comprehensive set of Angriffes for dizziness.

What: Statista

Laut Statist Wird der Umsatz der Cybersecurity-Branch 2024 185.7 Billion US Dollars betragen and put a jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 7.92% bis 2029 at the knapp 272 Billion US Dollars ansteigen. Dabei domineering Security Services the market with only one volume available 97.3 Billion US Dollars alleine in 2024.

What: Statista

Was cybersecurity so extended to investors? The answer lies in the greater relevance of the sector in all sectors: from financial services above the financial sector to infrastructure. Mit der zunehmenden Integration von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in Cybersecurity-Lösungen ergibt sich zudem zudem a neue Bedrohungslandschaft. KI-basierte Angriffe werden häufiger und complexer, was die Nachfrage nach innovateen Sicherheitslösungen weiter antreibt.

In this case, Umfeld stechen Zscaler (ZS), SentinelOne (S) And CyberArk (CYBR) als die möglichen Gewinner hervor. Schauen wir uns die Unternehmen, ihre Stärken und ihre Bewertungen im Detail an.

Cybersecurity is still present in the three central centers, the English miteinander verbunden are and gemeinsam for IT security:

  1. Network working time: Netzwerksicherheit schützt Unternehmensnetzwerke vor unauthorized Zugriff und Bedrohungen. Our systems include firewalls, VPNs and intrusion detection systems (IDS). Be sure to play with network segments, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), and security protocols like TLS/SSL in a central location to create secure data.
  2. Endpoint Security: Endpoint security provides protection for endpoints, such as PCs, laptops or smartphones. Traditional solutions such as antivirus software and endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems are also very well offered like endpoint protection platforms (EPP), mobile device management (MDM ) and the Patch Management System, a security tool for users.
  3. Identity and Access Management (IAM): IAM must be informed, your authorized Persons in the System and Dates may be authorized. You have services like Single Sign-On (SSO), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and Roll-Based Security Check (RBAC). Ebenso wichtig ist die Verwaltung des Benutzerlebenszyklus, um sicherzustellen, ass Berechtigungen stets actuell et angemessen bleiben.

Die Branche hat sich in den letzten Jahren stark gewandelt. Leave a Firewall-Schutz, an Angriffe abzuwehren. Many companies in a broad set of comprehensive solutions, which take care of all activities of the IT infrastructure – from the Cloud to mobile devices. Hinzu kommt der Trend zur Zero Trust Architecture Office: System, the system does not operate and the action must be verified.

Another Treiber is dead Integration of Künstlicher Intelligenz. KI verbessert die Fähigkeit, Bedrohungen in Echtzeit zu erkennen und zu neutralisieren. Please note that there are also bedrohungslage: Angreifer können mit KI gestützten Tools automatisierte et ausgeklügelte Angriffe starten. Cybersecurity must be designed thoughtfully and innovatively to meet business needs.

Cybersecurity companies are benefiting from the years of Wachstumstreibern stability. Doch nicht all Firmen liefern die gleiche Combinaion aus Wachstumspotenzial und Bewertung. SentinelOne, CyberArk and Zscaler embark on a combination with wide-ranging discovery potential and cutting-edge management.

  • Wachstum: Während Unternehmen wie Qualys (QLYS) ou Check Point (CHKP) zuletzt mit einstelligem Wachstum kämpfen, liefern S, CYBR et ZS Exchange rate over 25%.
  • Comments: Companies like Cloudflare (NET) and CrowdStrike (CRWD) are now widespread and offer German EV/Revenue Multiples above 20. Zscaler, SentinelOne and CyberArk have attractive multiples in stores in your area.
  • Profitability: CyberArk exceeded a gross margin of over 81%, with SentinelOne and Zscaler achieving 75%.
Quelle: InvestingPro – eigene Darstellung
Quelle: InvestingPro – eigene Darstellung

1. Zscaler (ZS): Marktführer for Zero Trust and Cloud Security

Zscaler hat sich als unangefochtener Leader im Bereich Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and Cloud-Security established. When traditional firewalls are installed in the Cloud-Ära and Grenzen, they can easily support security scaling with Daten and Anwendungen – unabhängig vom Standort der Mitarbeiter.

Finanzielle Kennzahlen:

  • Umsatzwachstum (Quartal): 26.4% (Branchenmittel: 18.0%)
  • Before Umsatzwachstum (2025): 21.5% (Branchenmittel: 17.5%)
  • Gross margin: 78.0% (Branchenmittel: 78.3%)
  • EV/Fwd income: 11.55x (Branch mittel: 10.8x)
What: InvestingPro

Warum Zscaler überzeugt:

  1. Original values: Zscaler verzeichnet un überdurchschnittliches Umsatzwachstum et beweist, dass der Bedarf an Cloud-Sicherheit weiter steigt.
  2. Scalar lists: The platform offers cloud infrastructure support services and offers a wide range of raw products in the industry.
  3. KI-Vorteil: Thanks to KI-Integration, you can continuously use the verbossert, Zscaler als Innovationsführer positioniert.

Zscaler combines Führerschaft technology with Starkem Wachstum and enables premium work in the Cybersecurity sector.

2. SentinelOne(S): The Endpoint Security Market Vendor

SentinelOne is an aufstrebender im Bereich player Endpoint Security and zählt zu den am schnellsten wachsenden Unternehmen der Branche. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Anbietern setzt SentinelOne auf KI-gestützte Systeme, the Bedrohungen in Echtzeit erkennen et eliminieren.

Finanzielle Kennzahlen:

  • Umsatzwachstum (Quartal): 28.3% (Branchenmittel: 18.0%)
  • Before Umsatzwachstum (2025): 31.7% (Branchenmittel: 17.5%)
  • Gross margin: 73.6% (Branchenmittel: 78.3%)
  • EV/Fwd income: 7.91x (Branch mittel: 10.8x)
What: InvestingPro

Warum SentinelOne review:

  1. Wachstum and Marktanteile: With a 31.7% training model like SentinelOne which has been used for many wet activities, such as for CrowdStrike which for 2025 only has a 28.5% training model which will take place in 2026 at 21.4%. For SentinelOne, the hinge will be available from 2026 with a reduction of more than 25%.
  2. KI gesture innovation: SentinelOne offers modern KI security solutions, which are aimed at large entrepreneurs and are attractive.
  3. Opportunities by Konkurrenten: Configuration issues such as CrowdStrike to SentinelOne depending on the configuration, marktanteile zu gewinnen.

With its innovative technology and clear development strategy, SentinelOne has the potential to create a good player in the Endpoint-Security market.

Also read: KGV724! Is this action trotz Mega-Bewertung ein Geheimtipp?

3. CyberArk (CYBR): the champion of identity security

CyberArk is the Marktführer im Bereich Identity and Access Management (IAM) and specialized in the protection of privileged Zugriffen. In an article in Identitätsdiebstahl, one of the most advanced reference methods, CyberArk is presented as a central role in the security architecture of companies.

Finanzielle Kennzahlen:

  • Umsatzwachstum (Quartal): 25.6% (Branchenmittel: 18.0%)
  • Before Umsatzwachstum (2025): 31.3% (Branchenmittel: 17.5%)
  • Gross margin: 81.1% (Branchenmittel: 78.3%)
  • EV/Fwd income: 13.31x (Branch mittel: 10.8x)
What: InvestingPro

CyberArk Review:

  1. Führende Marktstellung: CyberArk offers preferred pricing at over $8,800 worldwide.
  2. High profitability: With a gross margin of 81.1%, CyberArk is declared by Konkurrenz ab. This means that 2025 will be 31.3% and 2026 will be 33.2%.
  3. Extension by Venafi: Venafi’s company will have a chance in the current market for Machine identity management.

CyberArk combines gross margins, cutting-edge technology and solid interest rates – a real gem for investors.

Zscaler, SentinelOne and CyberArk are the winners of the digital security revolution. You have a beautiful cityscape, advanced technology and exceptional margins. Bedding solutions and artistic intelligence solutions complement innovative security solutions to meet your needs. For the future, the long period of the Cybersecurity branch takes full advantage of these three companies which will do the best work for 2025.

(All dates in these articles are valid until December 16, 2024.)