
The police took a Mithilfe and checked the visitors’ photos

The police took a Mithilfe and checked the visitors’ photos

In Annaberg-Buchholz there will be a Dienstag ein Mann vermisst. It is not possible that the person in question would not be able to do this.


Police such as Annaberg-Buchholz and the organization have many tasks for a vermissten man. Wie die Beamten am Sonntag mitteilen, verließ Mario W. (47) am vergangenen Dienstagnachmittag seine Wohnung in Annaberg-Buchholz mit unbekannten Absichten and ist seither non zurückgekehrt. It follows that the 47-Jährige finds himself in a particular situation, and that a medical approach is necessary. Mario W. is ready to help you find medicines. Bislang haben Polizisten mehrmals die bekannten Anlaufstellen des Mannes überprüft, mit Krankenhäusern Rücksprache gehalten und Kontaktpersonen aufgesucht. All this means that the loads of the loads will be removed.

Die Beamten bittet die Bevölkerung non um Mithilfe. The vermisse Mario W. was described as follows: It is roughly 1.85 meters, one slope, one path and another, passing an Oberlippenbart from Kinnsowie and a gray-brown, on the hair. Zum Zeitpunkt seines Verschwindens war er mit a blue softshelljacke, a black-weiß-grauen sweater, a dunklen hose and a karierten Mütze bekleidet. Did Mario W. come to the travel service? Were weiß, what if the Mann was left behind? Please contact us by telephone at 03733 880 or by Annaberger Polizeirevier at the same time. (jwen)