
Grand Finale: War Thunder arrives in 2024 with “Sturmwarnung” – Updated until the end

Grand Finale: War Thunder arrives in 2024 with “Sturmwarnung” – Updated until the end

War Thunder 2.43 “Sturmwarnung” Update is available (image: clean)

This month’s big update, by Gaijin, like version 2.43 “Storm Warning” is available, bringing a single bold military weapon into War Thunder. Neben den Eurofighter-Typhoon- et Rafale-Jets umfasst this development with the Panzerhaubitzen M44 and PzH 2000, more from Schiffe, the new Bodenkampfkarte “Attika” and more.

The biggest patch for War ThunderUpdate 2.43 “Storm Warning”, which will appear as a light and bring a new entry into the game. Neben den typischen kleineren verbesserungen et fehlerbehebungen gibt es einige lang erwartete Flugzeuge et gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, like the French Rafale has more variants of ‘Eurofighter-Typhoon, the Tech-Trees from Germany, Britain and Italy were developed. wurden.

Neben den oben erwähnten Jets bietet das War Thunder 2.43 “Storm Warning” – Updated with the following highlights:

  • The Haubitze M44s fall under the banner without being the two nations in the game.
  • The high-powered Panzer RDF-LT and BMD-4M are manufactured from American and Russian transport systems.
  • All you need to do is use the Strela-10M-AA-System, the PzH-2000-Haubitze and the Namer Tsrikhon, if you do not have any problems.
  • The Su-33 will be used as a combat vehicle in the aufgenommen game.
  • Flugzeugträger Admiral Kuznetsov is the nun Teil der Testflüge für Flugzeuge.
  • Basierend auf der Südostgriechischen Landschaft wird Attika als newer Schauplatz für Bodenkämpfe in das Spiel integre.

The full list of items can be found on this page to find. It is obvious that the memorandum of understanding is very universal, but also in the spirit of the times, it is gründlich durchzusehen.

Aviation fans, who found a detailed model of a 1/32-Eurofighter-Typhoon-Bausatz model, found a click on the Trumpeter EF-2000A Eurofighter Typhoon, which runs for 70.11 euros on Amazon.