
Geheimtipp “feeeed” erhält großes Update ›

Geheimtipp “feeeed” erhält großes Update ›

The “paid” iPhone app, an improved how-to for individual private and local news feeds, with a full update to version 12 is available. Neben Verbesserungen der Leselist und Fehlerbehebung brings the update and support for new platforms and offers new functions.

iPhone app for individual news feed

The new version has been previously subscribed to Bluesky-Accounts. The integration leverages the app’s best bot, which delivers feeds to sources like YouTube, Reddit, Mastodon, and Threads. Thanks to the creation of ActivityPub support, thread and behemoth URLs are directly inserted into the search box and integrated.

The entrepreneur had a technical problem that occurred at the current time of useful information and Google news feeds published. Zwar sei die Darstellung der Google-Quellen aufgrund von Service-Änderungen n’est pas plus coherent, die Inhalte seien jedoch wieder zugänglich.

Another new function providing photo shooting options: You can easily use the “Photo Flashbacks” directly inside, the easiest way is to click a personal click in the own feed function for the integrate. Darüber hinaus verbessert das Update die Handhabung von Feeds, die fehlerhafte ou ungenaue Datumsangaben enthalten.

Eure Inhalte, Eure Auswahl

“Feeeed” is positioned as the Gegenentwurf zu algorithmisch gestureuerten Timelines. The app is used locally on the iPhone or iPad and is fully available on websites, nut counters or external dates. The changed Feed is subject to automatic control and curing. Inhalte wie RSS-Feeds, social media, Newsletter, local Photos and sogar persönliche Daten wie Schrittzähler-Angaben können werden, ohne dass ain Online-Dienst kontaktiert werden muss ist.

The focus on data protection and verification on the model or in-app store will also be available during the update. A Mac version of the app is found in beta testing, with the current version optimized for iOS 18.

Uploaded to the App Store

‎fresh: rss reader and more
Responsible: James Parrott

Price: Free