
Beckham’s Platzen in the Private Feier at the Bar von Schweizer Star-Koch

Beckham’s Platzen in the Private Feier at the Bar von Schweizer Star-Koch


Daniel HummBeckham’s Platzen in the Private Feier at the Bar von Schweizer Star-Koch

Your New York clients will be invited to stay in the new bar at Star-Gastronom Daniel Humm. Is this war leading us to a Weihnachtsfeier zu. Die Beckhams schlichen sich dennoch rein.

  • The Beckhams visit Daniel Humm’s new bar in New York.

  • Trotz had a group of Weihnachtsfeier between Victoria (50) and David (49) hinein.

  • Humm is a renowned Swiss chef, dessen Eleven Madison Park was voted the best restaurant in the world in 2017.

Mit theseeneminent Gästen haben die Mitarbeitenden einer Firma wohl nicht gerechnet. The unexpected offer of companies for your own Weihnachtsfeier is aimed at the Clemente Bar at Eleven Madison Park in New York. Ausgerechnet and this Abend was carried by Victoria (50 years) and David (49 years) Beckham in the new location of the Swiss gastronom Daniel Humm (48 years).

Abschrecken lies sich das Promi-Paar von der geschlossenen Gesellschaft allerdings nicht. Höflich sollen sie laut “Page Six” was designed so that the private party does not take place and bright cocktails are organized at the bar. So I thought the Beckhams had a documentary film in a Big Apple store, with their friends. “You’re ready to do it, aren’t you,” said an Insider on the American portal Promi, “and I hope to have very clean and charming art and life!”

Schweizer-Star-Koch Daniel Humm for the new bar

Daniel Humm is a Swiss Michelin-Koch, from Strengelbach im Kanton Aargau born. Mit 14 brach er die Schule ab, um a eine Kochlehre zu starten, et arbeitete sich hoch in the weltweite Koch-Elite. With Drei-Sterne-Restaurant Eleven Madison Park sorgt er für ausgezeichnete Rezensionen, 2017 wurde es zum weltbesten Restaurant gekürt.

Since 2021 we have been in the Obergeschoss of the new Lounge-Bar Clemente and we offer you fresh and free meals in Essen on a pflanzlicher basis. The safe network price of 310 Swiss francs for a group menu of two people is available. Switzerland can also cope with others: In the event of a coronavirus pandemic, Koch’s restaurant can be found by hand in a suppenküche kitchen and in Essen at Bedürftige ab.

The Swiss Star-Koch dates from Hollywood-Star and Jobs-Witwe

2022 of the 48-year-old aufgrund seiner Beziehung mit Schauspielerin Demi Moore (62) for Schlagzeilen. Now you will be able to take the next step before you start. This is why the Hollywood star dates the human person.

In January 2019, Laurene Powell Jobs (61), the wife of Steve Jobs, died. If you want the couple to be moving, it’s not possible. Ebenso cursierten Gerüchte um Humm and Meghan Markle (42 years old), before Prince Harry (40 years old) flies away, heir and Herzogin wurde.

Mittlerweile liebt er die britische Schauspielerin und “Succession”-Star Annabelle Dexter-Jonas (38). Aus früheren Beziehungen hat Humm ausserdem trois Töchter.

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