
Apple Intelligence is for the best uninteresting iPhone users

Apple Intelligence is for the best uninteresting iPhone users

Apple launched the iOS 18.1 update in October, this month only one of three months of Apple Intelligence functions on the iPhone is available – in the USA and other countries, in Germany and in the EU, which will take place until April the first month of April. A new study from SellCell hasn’t been around so far, but it’s never been more effective: Apple Intelligence features aren’t being used by high-interest iPhone users.

SellCell is a Tech-Trade-In platform, based in the new own studies, with KI features like Apple Intelligence, designed for 46.7% of iPhone users and suppliers. 73 hours ago from the break, the Apple Intelligence functions are the same as those available. Today, Samsung users are having problems that are occurring in the study: 87 times, people with problems found information about the KI functions of their Galaxy devices.

The tools most used by Apple Intelligence are Job Tools, Text Management Services and Resource Management Tools, and Security Services, which provide increasingly comprehensive information in a single search. Laut der SellCell-Studie was written by 72 bzw. 54 of the Befragten genutzt. Other pivotal functions, which allow priorities, displays in photos and intelligent response, occur from 44.5 to 20.9 percent of each time you use the iPhone. With over 15% features like these in natural phrases in photos and transcriptions for the incredible features of Apple Intelligence.

Nur knapp 12 Prozents würden für Apple Intelligence zahlen

Old Apple-Nutzer and -Nutzerinnen have already been updated until iOS 18.1 is updated, but Apple Intelligence helps you do this: this period reached 57.6% fragmentation. Still others, if KI functions do not matter (36.7 percent) or use them for a minimum (18.2 percent). I am connected to the Samsung universe at 30.1 percent with unauthorized data protection and private area.

The current time has been an iPhone user, or an average age of 16.8 percent, from a Samsung manufacturer, when the manufacturer offers better KI features. Used on a 9.7 inch device for Samsung users on an iPhone we have. Der Prozentsatz der markentreuen Nutzer bzw. Nuts are available from Apple in Germany (from 92 percent as of January 2021 to 78.9 percent) as well as from Samsung (from 74 percent as of January 2021 to 67.2 percent).

SellCell’s studies also have funding funds, because a heavy smartphone user is not ready to use KI functions. Up to 11.6 percent of the iPhone user can have a subscription for certain features, while Samsung only uses 4 percent. It is interesting to know that with iOS 18.2 you have new KI functions in Apple Intelligence, launching Genmoji and a ChatGPT integration, this functionality is also available.

The offering has over 2,000 smartphone users, up to 1,000 smartphone and iPhone users with a KI support model, and over 1,000 Samsung Galaxy smartphone users with a KI support model. The prices are approximately 18 years old and longer in the USA.

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